1. Richared and his legates. 2. The blessed Radegunda's death. 3. The man who came to king Gunthram with a knife. 4. Another son is born to Childebert. 5. Prodigies. 6. They who lead astray and soothsayers. 7. Removal from office of duke Ennodius ; the Gascons. 8. The appearance at court of Gunthram Boso. 9. Rauching's death. 10. Gunthram Boso's death. 11. Meeting of the kings. 12. Death of Ursio and of Bertefred. 13. Baddo who had been kept prisoner when on an embassy and long after was set free ; dysentery. 14. Reconciliation between bishop Egidius and duke Lupus. 15. Richared's conversion. 16. His embassy to our kings. 17. A hard year. 18. The Bretons and the death of bishop Namatius. 19. Killing of Sichar a citizen of Tours. 20. I am sent to king Gunthram on an embassy to maintain the peace. 21. The charities and goodness of the king. 22. The plague at Marseilles. 23. Death of bishop Ageric and his successor. 24. Episcopate of Fronimius. 25. Childebert's army goes into Italy. 26. Death of queen Ingoberga. 27. Amalo's death. 28. The beautiful things which queen Brunhilda sent. 29. The Lombards ask peace of king Childebert. 30. Assessors at Poitiers and Tours. 31. King Gunthram sends an army to Septimania. 32. Enmity between Childebert and Gunthram. 33 . The nun Ingy trude goes to Childebert to make charges against her daughter. 34. Quarrels between Fredegunda and her daughter. 35. Killing of Waddo. 203