9. While this was going on, Riguntha, king Chilperic's daugh- ter, arrived at Toulouse with the treasures described above. And seeing she was now near the Gothic boundary she began to contrive excuses for delay, and her people told her also that she ought to remain there for a time since they were wearied with the journey and their clothing was rough, their shoes torn, and the harness and carriages which had been brought on wagons were not yet put together. They ought first to make all these preparations with care and then set out on the journey and be received in all elegance by her betrothed, and not be laughed at by the Goths if they appeared among them in a rough condition. While they were delaying for these reasons, Chilperic's death was reported to duke Desiderius. And he gathered his bravest men and entered Tou- louse and finding the treasures took them from the queen's control and put them in a certain house sealed up and under the guard of brave men, and he allowed the queen a scanty hving until she should return to the city. [10. Gundovald is proclaimed king. 11. A list of prodigies pointing to Gundovald's death. 12. Tours is forced to become subject to Gunthram. 13. Poitiers also comes under Gunthram's control.] 14. Now when court was held, bishop Egidius, Gunthram Boso, Sigivald, and many others were sent by king Childebert to king Gunthram, and they went in to him and the bishop said : Most righteous king, we thank the all-powerful God that he has restored you after many toils to your own land and kingdom." And the king said to him: "Yes, it is to the King of kings and Lord of lords who in his mercy thought it right to accomplish this, that due thanks should be given. For it is certainly not to you, by whose treacherous counsel and perjuries my land was burned over a year ago ; you never kept good faith with any man ; your crooked dealing appears everywhere ; it is not a bishop but an enemy of my kingdom that you show yourself to be." At these words the bishop, though enraged, was silent. But one of the legates spoke: Your nephew Childebert begs you to order the cities which his father held to be given back to him." At this he replied: "I told you before that our compacts give them to me and therefore I refuse to restore them." Another of the legates