AUSPICES [i. Queen Clotilda dies at Tours and is buried at Paris.] 2. King Clothar had ordered all the churches of his kingdom to pay into his treasury a third of their revenues. But when all the other bishops, though grudgingly, had agreed to this and signed their names, the blessed Injuriosus scorned the command and man- fully refused to sign, saying, *'If you attempt to take the things of God the Lord will take away your kingdom speedily because it is wrong for your storehouses to be filled with the contributions of the poor whom you yourself ought to feed." He was irritated with the king and left his presence without saying farewell. Then the king was alarmed and being afraid of the power of the blessed Martin he sent after him with gifts, praying for pardon and admit- ting the wrongfulness of what he had done, and asking also that the bishop avert from him by prayer the power of the blessed Martin. 3. The king had seven sons by several wives; namely, by Ingunda, Gunthar, Childeric, Charibert, Gunthram, Sigibert, and a daughter Chlotsinda; by Aregunda, sister of Ingunda, Chil- peric ; and by Chunsina he had Chramnus. I will tell why it was he married his wife's sister. When he was already married to Ingunda and loved her alone, he received a hint from her saying : "My Lord has done with his handmaid what he pleased and has taken me to his couch. Now let my lord the king hear what his servant would suggest to m.ake his favor complete. I beg that you consent to find a husband for my sister, a man who will be of advantage to your servant and possess wealth, so that I shall not be humiliated but rather exalted and shall be able to serve you more faithfully." To this request he gave heed and being of a wanton nature he fell in love with Aregunda and went to the estate 7S