Chap. II.]
from Cesalpino to Linnaeus.
Monocotyledones (singulis aut nullis cotyledonibus).
- XXIV. Graminifoliae floriferae vasculo tricapsulari (Liliaceae, Orchideae, Zingiberaceae).
- XXV. Stamineae (Grasses).:XXVI. Anomalae incertae sedis.
B. Plantae gemmiferae (arbores).
- (a) Monocotyledones.
- XXVII. Arbores arundinaceae (Palms, Dracaena).
- (b) Dicotyledones.
- XXVIII. Arbores fructu a flore remoto seu apetalae (Coniferae and various others).
- XXIX. Arbores fructu umbilicato (various).
- XXX. Arbores fructu non umbilicato (various).
- XXXI. Arbores fructu sicco (various).
- XXXII. Arbores siliquosae (woody Papilionaceae).
- XXXIII. Arbores anomalae (Ficus).
Of these classes only the Fungi, Capillares, Stellatae, Labiatae, Pomiferae, Tetrapetalae, Siliquosae, Leguminosae, Floriferae, and Stamineae can pass as wholly or approximately natural groups, and there are mistakes even in these; moreover the majority of them had long been recognised. The examples annexed in brackets show how open the others are to objection. If it must be allowed on the one side that Ray, like Jung, doubts whether the Cryptogams are propagated without seeds, it is on the other side obvious that he makes as little objection as his predecessors, contemporaries, and immediate successors to the idea that Polypes and Sponges are vegetables. But worse than this is the extremely faulty subordination and coordination in his system; while the class of Mosses contains the Confervae, Lichens, Liverworts, Mosses, and Clubmosses, and therefore objects as distinct from one another as Infusoria, Worms, Crabs, and Mollusks, we find on the contrary the one family of Compositae split up into