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Solms-Laubach. Introduc- tion to Fossil Botamj. By Count H. von Solms-Laubach. Authorised English Translation, by H. E. F. (larnsey, M.A. Edited by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. In the Press.

Annals of Botany. Edited by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Sydney H. Vines, D.Sc., F.R.S., and W. G. Farlow, M.D. Vol. I. Parts I-IV. Royal 8vo., half morocco, gilt top, iL i6s.

Vol. II. Parts V-VIII. 2l. is. Part IX. i is. 6. Part X. 135. 6d.

Biological Series. (Transla- tions of Foreign Biological Memoirs. )

I . The Phys ioloyy of Nerve, of Muscle,

and of the Electrical Organ. Edited by J.Burdon-Sanderson, M.D., F.R.SS. L. & E. Medium Svo. il. is.

II. Tlie Anatomy of the Frog. By

Dr. Alexander Ecker, Professor in the University of Freiburg. Translated, with numerous Annotations and Additions, by G. Haslam, M.D., Scientific Assistant in the Medical De- partment in the University of Zurich. Demy Svo. Nearly ready.

III. Contributions to the History of the Physiology of the Nervous System. By Professor Conrad Eckhard. Translated by Miss Edith Prance. In Prefiaration.

IV. Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems. By Dr. August Weismann, Translated and Edited by E. B. Poulton, M.A., Selmar Schon- land, Ph.D., and Arthur E. Shipley, M.A. Medium Svo. i6s.

Prestwich. Geology, Chemi- cal, Physical, and Strafigraphical. By Joseph Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. In two Volumes.

Vol. I. Chemical and Physical. Royal Svo. il. 58.

Vol. II. Stratigraphical and Physical. With a new Geo- logical Map of Europe. Royal Svo. il. 1 6s.

New Geological Map of Europe. In case or on roller. 55.

Kolleston and Jackson. Forms of Animal Life. A Manual of Com- parative Anatomy, with descrip- tions of selected types. By George Rolleston, M.D., F.R.S. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged by W. Hatchett Jackson, M.A. Medium Svo. i?. 1 6s.






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