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Adaiison, 66, 116, 545, 561.

Aepinus, 257.

Agardh, 143, 160. 205. 35 j.

Albertus Magnus. 14.

Aldrovandi, iS.

A 1 ] lino, 380.

Alston, 402.

Amici, 223, 284, 371, 432, 434, 558.

Ammann, 39.

Aristotle, 4, 6, 13, 16, 43, 51, 219,

3/6, 45- Astruc, 543.

Bachmann, 7, 39,63, 74-76, 83, 101. Baisse de la Baisse), 483. Banks, 139. Bartling, 144, 145. Batsch, 125, 137, 143. Bauhin, Kaspar, 5, 6. 8, 12, 13, 17, 19. 24-26, 33, 39,64, So, 100, 115. Ba/in, 543. Beale, 472. Berkeley, 205. Btrnhardi, 109, 225, 256, 263-266,

347- Bischoff, 161, 198, 207, 438, 439.

Blair, Patrick, 391.

Bock, Hieronymus, 3, 13. 14, 19.

24. -'7, 28. lioehmer, 14*. 4*3. Boerhaave. 78.

Bonnet, 163, 247, 486-488, 541. Borelli, 536. Bornet, 210, 443. Boussingault, 373, 449, 531, 5^1. Bradley, 391, 406. Braun, A. ,162, 165, 1 69,170-1 8 1, 1 84,

208, 312, 314, 334, 336, 442, 558. Ilravais, !<!. Brisseau-Mirbel, 198, 224. 226, 250,

-56, 259, 261, 262, 272-275, _>S 4 ,

307, 311, 321. Brongniart, Adolph, 147, 321, 43.',

436. Brown, Robert, 110, iij. 122, 139-

144, 155. 161, 22;, 32,-,. 43;,.

Briicke, 339, 556, =.=,-. Brunfels, 3, 5, 13, 14. Brunn, 255. Buffon, 89.

Burckhard, 83, 391, 397. Burnett, 550.

( 'alandriiii, 4^6.

Camerarius, Rud. Jak., 60, 77, Si, 87, 361, 376. 385-39 ' 406.

Candolle (see De Candolle;.

Caspary, 560.

Cassini, 559.

Cesalpino, Andrea, 5, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18, 23, 37, 40, 42-57, 61,63, 80, 81, 103,125, 163, 219, 220,450.

Cessati, 213.

Choulant, 19.

Clusius (see de l'cluse).

Cohn, 209, 213, 442.

Comparetti, 249, 263, 282.

Corda, 184, 205.

Cordus, Valerius, 29, 536.

Cornutus, Jakob, 537.

Corti, 314, 513, 545, 558.

Cutta, 506, 559.

Covolo, dal, 410, 545.

Cramer, Karl, 203.

Dalechamps, 29, 30.

Darwin, Chas., 11, 12, 49, 53, 152,

169, 180, 183, 35 I >43 1 - Daubeny, 557. DC Bary, 210, 213-215, 292, 314,

3 l8 > 339> 37 2 . 443, 559-

Decaisnc, 442.

De CandnlK', Alpliuii^c, 562.

De Candolle, 1'yrame, 9. 71, 92,

110, 112, 122, 126-139, 307, 484.

5 1 ?. ?.>7- r.M- 555, 561. 1 >c la Uai.iM.', 4^;,. De Lamarck, i 27- DC riiclnse, 13, 18, 19, 29-31, 55. DC la Hire, .- 1. 1 ,. DC l'< >!.cl, 3, (>. 13. 17. IS. 23, Z6,

32, 35. 5 s ' 'M. 6 7-

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