they use muzzles, which differ little from a halter, and the lip-straps are perforated with spikes. Nearchos, producing proofs of the skill of the In- dians in works of art, says that when they saw sponges in use among the Macedonians, they imitated them by sewing hairs, thin threads, and strings in wool; after the wool was felted, they drew out the hairs, threads, and strings, and dyed it with colours. There quickly appeared also manu- factures of brushes for the body, and of ves- sels for oil (lekythoi). They write letters, he says, upon cloth that is smoothed by being well beaten, although other authors affirm that they have no knowledge of writing. They use brass which is cast and not wrought. He does not give a reason for this, although he mentions the strange fact that if vessels of this description fall to the ground, they break like those made of clay. The following custom also is mentioned in accounts of India, that, instead of prostrating themselves before their kings, it is usual to address them, and all persons in authority and high station, with a prayer. The country produces precious stones, as crystal, carbuncles of all kinds, and pearls. As an instance of the disagreement among histori- INDJAN FOOT - SOLDIERS. From an Ajanta Cave Painting. (After Griffiths.)