341 O Oidanes, a river flowing into the Ganges, 66 Onesikritos, a Greek historian, 1 On the irrigation of India, 10 Sent by Alexander to interview the sophists, 54-57 Ordeals, four Hindu, 145 Ormuz, Portuguese power in the island of, advanced by Albuquerque, 227 Padmanabha, an outcast Brahman, the informant of Roger, 237 Paliacatta (Pulicat), conflicts of castes at, 242-243 Palibothra (modern Patna), a city of India, 5 Shape and size of, 28 Defences of, 28 Palibothros, surname of the king of Palibothra, 28 Palijs, a sub-caste of the Sudras, 243, 245 Palla, the meanest of the sub-castes of the Sudras, 246 Pandion, an Indian king, 3 According to some authorities sends presents and embassies to Augustus Caesar, 3 Patanjali, extracts from, 155-157, 167- 168 Pariahs (Perreaes), outcasts, rules gov- erning, 247-249 Paropamisadai, a tribe of Kabulistan and Afghanistan, 7 Parthians, the custom of giving a sur- name found among the, 28-29 Pasenda, a sect of the Brahmans, 259-261 Patala, a city in Patalene, 26 Patalene, the land about the delta of the Indus, 5-6, 8, 24, 26 Conquered by Alexander, 25 Patna, see Palibothra Patnouwa, a sub-caste of the Sudras, 245 Perreaes, see Pariahs Persian the prevailing language in Ah- madabad, 297 Peukolaltis, a city of India, 18 Philosophers, Strabo's description of Indian, based on the statements of Megasthenes, 47-52 Account of, by Onesikritos, 57-58 Physicians, the second class of the Gar- manes, customs of the, 50-52 Pleiades, a constellation, 7 Plutarch, mention of suttee by, 72-73 Point de Galle, description of, by William Francklin, 314-317 Poison, Hindu ordeal by, 147 Ponds, description of the construction of the sacred, 197 Sacred Hindu, reasons for the sanctity of, 198 Pontos, Sesostris conducts an army to, 4 Poros, king of Indian provinces east of the Hydaspes river, 3 According to some authorities sends presents and embassies to Augustus Caesar, 3 Conquest of, 8, 20 Situation and size of the country of, 20 Poros (nephew of above), taken pris- oner by Alexander, 22 Portikanos, an Indian prince whose territory lay near the Indus, 25 Portuguese, established on the west coast of India hi 1510, 227 Disorderly life of the, in Bengal, 291 Pradyumna, son of Vishnu, directions for constructing an idol of, 179 Pramnai (Buddhists), subdivisions and customs of the, 64-65 Prasioi, the most distinguished tribe of India, 28 Prayaga, sacred tree of, 190-191 Propertius, a Latin poet, writes of suttee, 73-74 Pukara, legend of the cause of the holi- ness of, 199 Pulicat, conflicts of castes at, 242-243 Punishment after death, Hindu beliefs regarding, 273-276 Pyrard de Laval, Francois, a French traveller in India, 280 Arrives at Chartican, in Bengal, and is presented to the governor, 280, 283 Pythagoras, similarity of the doctrines of, to those of the Hindus, 57 R Rama, son of Dasaratha, directions for constructing an idol of, 178 Legend of a temple founded by, 182, 185 Ramanouja Weistnouwa, a sub-sect of the Brahmans, 252, 255-256 Ramayana, suttee alluded to in the, 71 Ravi, see Hyarotis Records and documents, Hindu, careful preservation of, 135-136 Reptiles in India, 37-38 Retribution, degrees of, hi Hindu be- liefs, 172-173 Revanta, the son of the Sun, directions for constructing an idol of, 180 Rice, abundance of the crop of, in Bengal, 284