Festival processions, order of march of, 63-64 Fire, Hindu ordeal by, 145 Food, Hindu, 152 Francklin, William, descriptive notes on India, from the diary of, 314-331 Funeral ceremonies, Hindu, 148, 149 Buddhist, 149 G Galen, quotation from, on the burning of the dead, 186-187 Gama, Vasco da, see Da Gama Gaudaris, according to some writers, the country of Sopeithes, 20 Gandharvi, a river having its source in the sacred pond Vishnupada, 191 Ganges, the largest river of India, 5 Description of the, by Krateros, 28 Account of the, by Artemidoros, 65-66 Discussion concerning the source of the, 292-293 Sanctity of the, 293 Garie, Jean, a Portuguese soldier of fortune in the service of Bengal, 292 Gar manes (Sarmanes), a Buddhist caste of philosophers, according to Me- gasthenes, 50-52 Gedrosia (Mekran), Alexander ambitious of conducting his army through, 4 Gems found in India, 153 Ghuzz Turks, practice of the, with re- gard to a drowned person, 187 Gioghi (Yogis), attendants of the temple of Mahadeva, 300-301 Goa comes into the hands of Albu- querque, 228-233 Ample military supplies found by Albuquerque in, 230 The capital of the Portuguese, 322 Churches at, 322-323 Description of, by William Francklin, 322-327 Convents at, 323, 324-325 Captain-General of, commander-in- chief of all the Portuguese forces in the East Indies, 325 Decline of, 325-326 Gold-dust dug up by ants in India, 36 Gold-mines in India, 23, 27 Gorges, a mining expert of Alexander, 23 Government, Hindu, 149-150 Grammar, the first Hindu science, 136 Greeks buried or burned their dead m ancient times, 186 Gurrea, sub-caste of the Sudras, 245 Gymnetai, a division of the Pramnai, 64-65 Heaven, Hindu idea of, 172 Herakles (Hercules), said to have in- vaded India, 4 Hermos, formation of the plain of, 6 Hindu beliefs regarding God, 159-160 Belief regarding the soul, 160-163, 167-168 Hells, according to the Vishnu-Purana, 170 Belief regarding the return of the soul to God, 187 Temple at Calicut, description of, 210, 213 Hindus, personal habits of the, 134-135 Manners and customs of the, 143-144 Pilgrimages not obligatory upon, 191 Of Goa offer allegiance to Portugal through Albuquerque, 229 Hindustan, Strabo's account of, derived from Greek records, 1 Hiuan Tsang, Chinese Buddhist pilgrim, account of India by, 121-153 Horses, part of military equipment hi ancient India, 42 Hyarotis (Ravi), a river of India, 18 Hydaspes (Jihlam), a river of Northern India, 3, 7, 18 Crocodiles in the, 14 Alexander sails down the, 24 Hydrakes (Oxydrakai), a tribe of the Panjab allied with the Persians, 5 Hylobioi, principal division of the Gar- manes, customs of the, 50-51 Hypanis (Bias), a river of Northern India, 3, 18 Fabulous stories told of lands beyond the, 29 Hypasioi (Asvaka), a people of Northern India, 7, 18 Iberia, Sesostris leads an army from, 4 Ibn Batuta, an Arabian traveller, de- scribes suttee, 78-80 Idanthyrsos, a king of the Scythians, overran Asia, 4-5 Idols, Hindu, causes leading to the con- struction of, 175-177 Measures for constructing, 181 Animal sacrifice offered to, 181 Reward or punishment meted out to the artist of, according to his work, 181-182 Honored by Hindus for the sake of their makers, 182 Materials preferred for, 182 Erected only for the uneducated classes, 185