Abhidharmas, 139 Abisaros (Abhisara), an Indian king, 19 Aditya, an idol in Multan dedicated to the sun, description of, 177 Destroyed by Jalam ibn Shaiban, 177 JEli&n, mention of suttee by, 73 Agriculture, Hindu, 151 Ahmadabad (Ahmedabad), Pietro della Valle arrives at, 294 Description of the caravanserai in, 295 Condition of streets and roads in, 295 Description of the market-place of, 296-297 Persian the prevailing language in, 297 Description of the Great Mogul's palace at, 297-299 Description of a small chapel near, 302, 305 Wrongs of the English at, righted by Jahangir, 312-313 Akesines (Chinab), a river of India, 8, 18 Egyptian beans found in the, 14 Albiruni, see al-Biruni Albuquerque, Affonso de, reaches India in 1503, 227 Gains possession of Goa, 228-233 Issues a proclamation that the inhabi- tants of Goa should be immune from pillage, 229-230 Cares for the abandoned women and children of the Turks and Rumes in Goa, 230-231 Death of, in 1515, 227 Alexander the Great, march of, through the East, 1 Restores his conquered Indian terri- tories to Poros, 3 Determines to invade Egypt from India, but abandons his plans, 14 Route of, in India, 14, 17 Crosses the Kophes and conquers the country to the east, 17 Army of, halts exhausted, at the Hy- panis, 18 Courteously received by King Taxiles, 18 Obtains material for shipbuilding from the Emoda Mountains, 20 Conquers Poros, 20 Builds two cities on opposite sides of the Hydaspes, 20 Marches to the Hypanis and returns to the Hydaspes and sails down it, 23- 24 Makes the lands adjacent to the Indus and its tributaries well known, 24-25 In danger of losing his life from a wound, 25 Conquers Patalene, 25 According to Krateros, advanced to the Ganges, 28 Aloes-wood found in the Ganges River, 293 Alphabet, Indian, 135 Ambria, sub-caste of the Sudras, 244 Animals of India, 32-38 Anjengo, description of, by William Francklin, 317-318 Aornos, storming of the fortress of, 5 Apollodorus, author of the " History of Parthia," 2 Aradh-iha (Seivia), a sect of the Brah- mans, 257-258 Architecture, Hindu, 131 Arhant (an aspect of Buddha), di- rections for constructing an idol of, 180 Arhata, a sacred pond, 191 Aristoboulos, a Greek historian, 1 On the irrigation of India, 7-8 Arkturos (Arktos), the Great Bear, 7 Army, Hindu, four divisions of a, 143 Ascetics, Hindu, description of, 137-139 Assakanos, king of Masoga, 7, 18 Astakenoi, a tribe of India, 18 Astronomical terms, divergent in San- skrit and Chinese for the same objects, 126 Atharva-Veda, the, studied by the Brah- mans, 137335