vsed me better then his promise. I deliuered him a Present, such as I had, but not in the name of his Majestic, it beeing too meane; but excused it that the king could not take knowledge of his beeing lord of Suratt so lately conferred on him, but hereafter I doubted not his Majestic would send to him according 'Pictures oiiteftfif<Jiulun Copies made ty we Moaols painter & THE UOOHCL EMPEROR JAIIANGIR AND HIS SON, PEINCE KHURRAM, AFTERWARDS SHAH JAHAN. From an old print. to his woorth: This was the respect of the Merchants, who humbly recommended themselues to his fauour and protection. He receiued all in very good part; and after opening of some greauances and Iniuries suffered at Suratt by vs from his Gouernors, of which, for re- spect to him, I had forborne to Complayne to the king off, He promised mee speedy and effectuall Justice, and to confirme our securytye by any propositions I