is noe busines done with him Concerning the state, gouerment, disposition of warr or peace, but at one of these two last Places, wher it is publiquely pro- pounded, and resolued, and soe registred, which if it were woorth the Curiositye might bee seene for two shillings, but the Common basse people knew as much as the Councell, and the Newes euery day is the kings new resolutions tossed and censured by euery rascall. This Course is vnchangeable, except sicknes or drinck preuent yt; which must be known, for as all his Subjects are slaues, so is he in a kynd of reciprocall bondage, for he is tyed to obserue these howres and Customes so BIB THOMAS ROE, AMBASSADOR TO THE GREAT MOGUL. precisely that if hee were vnseene one day and noe sufficient reason rendred the people would mutinie ; two dayes noe reason can excuse, but that he must consent to open his doores and bee seene by some to satisfye others. 6n Tuesday at the Jarruco he sitts in Judgment, neuer refusing the poor- est mans Complaynt, where hee heares with Patience both parts: and some tymes sees with too much delight in blood the execution done by his Eliphants. Illi meruere; sed quid tu vt adesses?