AN EARLY DUTCH ACCOUNT OF INDIA no knowledge, but in this they do attack the notion of the heathen, who believe in the cycle of the ages and pretend that sometime the day will come when all shall be again even as it now is. That belief they reject and will have none of it. These, said the Bramin Pad- manaba, are worse than the preceding, not alone be- A TODA HUT AT UTAKAMAND IN SOUTHERN INDIA. cause they have this belief and regard not caste, but also because, even as the beasts, they make no difference between father and mother, brother and sister; they eat with each one of them, they sleep with each one of them, and say that in the person of another woman they but mate with their own wives. The Bramin Pad- manaba testified that this godlessness sprang up be- cause that these men sought not for a good name among mankind nor expected any other life after this life.