fust as which were necessary for that object. This hav- ing been agreed upon, Afonso Dalboquerque sent word to D. Antonio de Noronha, his nephew, to make ready the ship Sancta Clara, and the Cirne, and the Flor de la Mar, and the Flor da Rosa, which were stationed outside the bar (as I have already said), and three galleys, and go and overrun all those places and des- troy them, not sparing the life of a single Turk or Moor whom they might find. D. Antonio set out and drew up opposite the for- tress of Banda; and as soon as the fleet had 'dropped anchor, he got into the galleys and ships' boats, and made his way up the river, taking with him in the front rank the cousin of Timoja with three fust as. When the Hindus of the land perceived our fleet, inflamed with hatred against the Turks, they all rose up against them, and these, terrified at our men, deserted the fortress and fled away into the interior country, so that when D. Antonia de Noronha arrived, the Hindus were already in possession of it, and their captain immediately had an audience with D. Antonio, and paid him homage for the fortress, promising to hold himself in obedience to the King of Portugal. As soon as the news that Banda had surrendered ran along the coast, the Turks who were in the fortress of Condal distrusting the Hindus who were elated at the favourable treatment they had received from our fleet deserted it and fled lip the river. And when it was known in the land that the Turks had fled, a Hindu captain came with a large body of men, and put him-