VASCO DA GAMA AT CALICUT ing for him. Upon this the captain-major went at once in the boat and the Moorish broker took him on shore with all the packages in large Indian boats, and he went into the factory, where he dressed himself in a long cloak coming down to his feet, of tawny-coloured satin, lined with smooth brocade, and underneath a short tunic of blue satin, and white buskins, and on his head a cap with lappets of blue velvet, with a white feather fas- tened under a splendid medal; and a valuable enamel collar on his shoulders, and a rich sash with a handsome dag- ger. He had a page dressed in red satin, and in front of him went the men in file one DOM ANDRlS FURTADO DE MENDOCA, Thirty-seventh Portuguese Governor of India (1609). before another. First after these went the basin, car- ried wrapped in a napkin by a man who held it against his breast, and in front another with the ewer; then a tray with the knives and caps, and then the open mirror which had doors, and was all splendidly gilt; next the pieces of silk, and in front of all the chair