157 all eternity, for ever and ever. As he has never been not-knowing, he is knowing of himself, having never acquired any knowledge which he did not possess be- fore. In the Veda which he sent down upon Brahma he says: ' Praise and celebrate him who has spoken the Veda, and was before the Veda.' " The pupil asks: " How do you worship him to whom the per- ception of the senses cannot attain? " The master says: " His name proves his exist- ence, for where there is a report, there must be something to which it refers; and where there is a name, there must be something which is named. He is hidden to the senses and un- perceivable by them. However, the soul per- ceives him, and thought comprehends his qualities. This meditation is identical with worshipping him exclusively, and by practising it uninterruptedly beat- itude is obtained." In such a manner the Hindus express themselves in that very famous book. The following passage is taken from the conversation between Vasudeva (Krishna) and Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita : THE GOD BRAHMA. From Moor's Hindu Pantheon.