500 S Salsette, the English anxious to acquire, 244 Occupied by the English, 245 Sambaji, son of Sivaji, continues his father's revolt, 43 Execution of, 45 Sandeman, Major, negotiates a treaty with the Khan of Baluchistan, 436 Satara, reconstitution of the State of, 381 Annexation of, 421 Secretary of State for India in Council, creation of the office of, 455 Sepoy army, British, recruitment of, 171-172 Shah Alam grants the Five Circara (Sirkars) to Clive, 211-212 Shah Shuja', 401 Exiled, 397 Shah Zaman invades the Panjab, 304 Sher Ali, Amir of Afghanistan, negotia- tions of, with Lords Mayo and Northbrooke, 438-439 Shore, Sir John, Governor-General, 302 Refused to aid the Nizam of Haida- rabad, 302, 303 Siam, relation of, to the British, 447 Siddhis, an independent Abyssinian colony, the only naval force on the Indian coast, 51 Sikh War, the first, 410 Sikhs, rapid expansion of the, 206, 268 History of the, 269 Internal anarchy among the, 406, 409 Collisions of the, with the English, 410 Barrier states against the, 477 Sikkim, war with Tibet over, 486 Sind, extent of conquests of, 253 Amirs, territory of the, brought under British control,' 404 Fall of the dynasty of, 405 Sindhia occupies Agra and Delhi, 272 League of, with the Nagpur Raja, 323- 324 Siraj-ad-daulah succeeds Ali Vardi Khan as Nawab of Bengal, 164 Attacks Calcutta, 140 Driven out of Calcutta by the English, 141 Routed at Plassy, 141 Takes Calcutta, 165 Death of, 168 Sivaji, a Maratha chief, death of, in 1680, 43 Sobraon, battle of, 413 Spain prohibits the exportation of her precious metals, 7 Claims a monopoly of the trade in the East, 10-11 Decline of, 33, 35 Spanish-Dutch negotiations in regard to the Eastern trade, 11-12 Spanish Flanders invaded by Louis XIV, 38 St. Helena granted to England, 32 St. Thome" in the possession of the French, 37 Captured from the French by the Dutch, 37 Suffren, French Admiral, 154 Naval engagements of, 256-257 Sails for Europe, 257 Surat, battle at, 13 English settle at, in 1612, 23 Chief establishment of the English East India Company in 1638, 23 In the possession of the English, 35 Pillaged by Sivaji in 1664, 42 Tanjore, the ' English intervene at the banishment of a prince of, 114-115 Fruitlessly raided by the French, 142 Temple, Sir William, negotiator of the Triple Alliance, 39 Tenasserim provinces, annexation of, 390 Thirty Years' War, 28 Tippu of Mysore, treaty of peace with, 257 Sends embassies to Constantinople and Paris, 285 Attacks Travancore, 286 Signs a treaty of peace ceding terri- tory to the English, 287 Allied with the French, 304, 307 Return of, from the Isle of France, 307 Besieged in Seringapatam, 310 Death of, 310 Character of, 311-312 Trade routes, 3 Security of, menaced, 3 Trade, value of Oriental, in 1615, 13 Treaty of 1673 between France, England, and Portugal against Holland, 39 Trinchinopoli, English send reinforce- ments to, 119 French retire from, 120 Trincomali, harbour of, occupied by the French, 37 Captured from the French by the Dutch, 37 Captured from the Dutch by the Eng- lish, 154 Retaken by Suffren, 154-155