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INDEX Northern India, strategic geography of, 188-190 Nott, General, holds Kandahar, 403 O Ormuz, Persians and English combine to drive Portuguese from the island of, 20-21 Oudh, Vizir of, allies himself with the English, 198 Clive makes an alliance with, 200-201 Decline of the State of, 295 Vizir of, cedes all his frontier provinces to the English, 318-319 Annexation of, 422-423, 425 A barrier against the Marat has, 477 Palmyra, reasons leading to the destruc- tion of, 3 Panipat, overthrow of the Marathas at, 194-197 Panjab, annexation of the, 417 Pan j ah, collision of Afghans and Rus- sians at, 484 Paris, Peace of, in 1763, terminates the French rivalry in India, 155 Parliament inquires into the affairs of the East India Company, 221-222, 226, 274, 275 Acts of, 297 Parliamentary campaigns of 1783-1784, 278-279 Patna, massacre of English prisoners at, 187 Pegu, Anglo-Indian campaign against, 390 Annexation of, 419 Persia, negotiations with the Shah of, 396 Shah of, attacks Herat, 397, 398 Persians, overtures of, to Napoleon, 349- 350 Peshwa at Poona attacks the British Residency, 380 Annexations attendant on the sur- render of the, 381 Pitt, first Ministry of, 279 India Act of, passed, 279 Plassy, rout of, 167, 168, 169 Pollock, General, recaptures Kabul, 403 Pondicherri recovered by the Dutch in 1697, 73 The seat of the Governor-General of all the French settlements, 91 Founded by Francois Martin in 1674, 91-92 Strongly fortified, 99 Shelters the Mohammedan princes in 1740, 100 Fortified by Dupleix, 101 Besieged by the English, 107 Surrendered to the English in 1761. 147 Porto Novo, battle of, 252 Defeat of Hyder Ali at, 256 Portugal, activity of, in establishing her power in India, 5 Commercial activity of, crushed by her annexation to Spain in 1580, 6-7 Monopolizes Indian trade for a short time, 6-7 Decline of, 23 Eastern position of, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, 90 Protectorates, theory of the system of, 469-471 System of, adopted by other European nations in Asia and Africa, 489 Raghunath Rao, treaty of the English with, 244 Railways, effect of, in India, 463 Rajput States a barrier against the Marathas, 477 Ranjit Singh, the Panjab temporarily consolidated under the kingdom of, 197 Ruler of the Panjab, 391 Death of, 406 Red Sea, commercial navigation of the, important to the Roman emperors, 1-2 Richelieu, French colonizing companies under, 80, 83-86 Ripon, Lord, Governor-General of India, 443 Roe, Sir Thomas, embassy of, to the Great Mogul, 23 Rohilkhand annexed to Oudh, 243 Rohilla War, 241-243 Roman Catholic faith established in France, 80, 83, 85 Roman Empire, command of, over the main channels of Asiatic trade, 3 Rousseau on the influence of priestly ambition, 152 Rumbold, Sir Thomas, Governor of Madras, 251 Russia, march of, across Asia and in- fluence on Persia, 396 Central Asian policy of, 437-440 Rival ^f England, 480, 482-483, 484- 485 Ryswick, peace of, 40, 53

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