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INDEX Hugli River, English factory on, 23 Hyder Ali of Mysore, 208, 209 Master of Mysore, 211 Sends a large force into Haidarabad, 212 At war with the English, 213 Treaty of, with the English, 213, 214 Vindictive spirit of, 249 Triple alliance of, 251 Ravages the Karnatic, 251, 252 Death of, 257 I Imports, Indian, value of, in England, in 1622, 19 India, awarded to Portugal by Pope Alexander Borgia, 5 Civil war in, 30 Inherent weakness of, 125 General peace in, in 1784, 257-258 Double government of, 279 Passes to the Crown, 425-426 Effect of the direct government of, assumed by the Crown, 456 Within the sphere of European diplo- macy, 490-491 The only modern example of the evolution of an empire, 493 India Councils Act, passage of the, 455 India troops, European training of, 125 Army components of, 170-171 Indian Succession Act, provisions of the, 459 Indies, meaning of the term, 86 Indo-Chinese dependency of the Indian Empire, formation of the, 468 Irrigation, effect of, on India, 463-464 Italy, commercial decline of, 6 Java, reduction of, 358 Jhansi, annexation of, 421 K Kabul occupied by the English, 401 Disastrous retreat of the English from, 403 Russian envoy at, 439 Afghans defeated at, 442 Kandahar occupied by the English, 401 Karikal acquired for France, 100 Karnatic, the, invaded by the Maratha chief Sivaji, 42 War of succession in the, 99-100, 115- 117 Maratha invasion of the, in 1740, 100 Incorporation of the, 314 Kasimbazar, factory of, seized by Siraj- ad-daulah, 165 Kharak, island of, occupied by the Eng- lish, 398 Khiva subjugated by Russia, 438 Labourdonnais, Governor of Mauritius, prepares to attack the English, 103 Besieges Madras, 104 Thrown into the Bastile, 107 Lake, General, success of, in the north- west of India, 327 Lally, Count, instructions to, 137 Character of, 139-140 Expedition of, reaches India in 1758, 141 Takes Fort St. David, 142 Unpopularity of, 142, 143 Besieges Madras, 143 Attempts to recover Vandewash, but is defeated, 145 Retreats to Pondicherri in 1760, 146 Laswari, battle of, 327-328 Lavaur, a Jesuit, whose intrigues in India hastened the downfall of Lally, 152 Law, criminal, reorganized in India, 456 Legislation, agrarian, 460-463 Leibnitz, in his " Consilium Aegyptia- cum " urges Louis XIV to seize Egypt, and so command the trade of the East, 62 Lenoir, an early governor of Pondicherri, 93 Lhasa, British expedition to, 449 Lisbon, rise of, as a trade centre, 6 London merchants demand redress from the Dutch in 1611, 12 Directors, letter from the, 210 Louis XIV, compared with Aurangzib, 52-53 Declares war against Holland in 1674, 89 Louis XV, shortsighted policy of, 95-96 Lytton, Lord, appointed Viceroy of India, 439 M Macassar in the possession of the English, 35 Macnaghten attempts to raise a standing army for Shah Shuja', 402-403 Madagascar, French expedition for colo- nization of, ends in disaster, 89 Madras, English Company settles at, 23 The central post of the English Com- pany in Eastern India in 1687, 41

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