223 Moreover, after Olive's departure from India in 1767, the withdrawal of his resolute, clear-headed dicta- torship was immediately felt throughout all depart- ments of the administration; official discipline again became relaxed; the finances suffered a relapse into extravagance and malversation; and the agents of gov- ernment still meddled in private trade. The Madras THE FORT OF CHENGALPAT. Presidency drifted into that ruinous war with Hyder Ali which has already been described, and in 1770 a terrible famine had desolated Bengal. Under the system of annual elections to the direc- torship, the Company at home were demoralized by party contests and violent internal dissensions. Yet notwithstanding all these concurrent evils and mishaps, no serious inquiry was taken up in Parliament until the Company declared themselves to be not only unable to continue the annual tribute of 400,000, but also so overloaded with debt as to need a large loan from the