like the waves of the sea, he became greatly agitated, his steps trembled, and he feared for his life, which was forfeit under the law of God. He accordingly reflected that his safety would best be secured by conforming to the religion of Islam, since the sword of God was drawn from the scabbard and the whip of punishment was uplifted. He came forth, therefore, with ten thousand men, all of whom proclaimed their anxiety for conversion and their rejection of idols. God confirmed the promises He had made, and rendered assistance to the Sultan Mahmud. After some delay the Sultan marched against a fort held by Kulchand, who had assumed superiority over other rulers and was inflated with pride, and who employed his whole life in infidelity and was confident in the strength of his dominions. Whoever fought with him sustained defeat and flight, and he possessed much power, great wealth, many brave soldiers, large ele- phants, and strong forts, which were secure from attack and capture. When he saw that the Sultan advanced against him in the endeavour to engage in a holy war, he drew up his army and elephants within a deep forest ready for action. Sultan Mahmud sent an advance-guard to attack Kulchand, and this vanguard, penetrating through the forest like a comb through a head of hair, enabled the Sultan to discover the road which led to the fort. The Mussulmans exclaimed, " God is exceeding great/' and those of the enemy, who were anxious for death, stood their ground. Swords and spears were used in