INDEX Purchased by Khwaja Jamal-ad-din Basri, 111 Purchased by Shams-ad-din Altamish, 111-112 Accompanies Turks from Delhi to Hindustan and returns to Delhi in their army, 112 Imprisoned, 112 Chief huntsman under Raziya, 113 Master of horse under Mu'izz-ad-din Bahram Shah, 113 Receives a grant of the lands of Riwari, 113 Receives grant of Hansi, 113 Appointed lord chamberlain in 1243 A. D., 114 Chastises the rebels of Jalali, Dewali, and the Mawas, 114 Marches to defend Uchh, 114-115 Long marches of army of, 115 Army of, reaches Lahore, 115 Letters of, fall into hands of besiegers, 115 Victorious at Uchh, 116 Marches to the river Sodra (Chinab) and thence back to Delhi, 116 Second expedition of, to the river Sodra, 117 Sent into the hills of Jud and the countries on the Jihlam, 117 Is unable to obtain fodder and returns to the royal camp, 117-118 Fame of victorious campaign of, in Jud and along the Jihlam, extends to Turkistan, 117-118 Generalship of, quells rebellion in the upper districts, 118 Sent to oppose Dalaki-wa-Malaki, 118 Captures Dalaki-wa-Malaki, 118-119 Victorious at Rantambhor, 119 Promoted to office of khan, 120 Made lieutenant of the government, army, and royal fortune, 120 Defeats Jahir of Ijari, 120 Animosity of chiefs against, 120-121 Removed to Nagor, 121 Sent to his estates at Hansi, 121 Leads army from Nagor in the direc- tion of Rantambhor, Hindi, and Chitor, 121-122 Defeats Bahar Deo, 122 Is joined by chiefs dissatisfied with Nasir-ad-din and marches against Delhi, 123-124 Reconciliation of, with Nasir-ad-din, 126 Accompanies Nasir-ad-din to Delhi, 126 Return of, regarded as a happy omen, 126 Army of, marches to Delhi, 127 Goes to Hansi and recruits an army in fourteen days, 127 Reaches Oudh in 1256 A. D., 128 Pursues Katlagh Khan and the rebellious chiefs, 128-129 Rejoins Nasir-ad-din's army at Kas- mandi, 129 Suppresses revolt of Katlagh Khan and Malik Balban Kishlu Khan, 130-132 Sent to put down rumoured rebellion of Arslan Khan Sanjar and Kalij Khan Mas'ud Khani, 133 Resolves upon a campaign against the hill outlaws under Malka, 134, 137 Completely routs infidels under Malka, 137-138 Makes a second successful campaign against survivors of Malka's fol- lowers, 140 al-Usaifan, country between Kashmir, Multan, and Kabul, Abu Bakr's account of, to al-Baladhuri, 23 King of, turns Mussulman, 23-24 Utbi, Arab historian and secretary to Sultan Mahmud, selections from work of, 35-76 Uzain, see Ujjain Vikramajit, raja of Ujjain, image of, at Ujjain destroyed by Shams-ad-din Altamish, 101 Vikramajit, raja of Gwalior, killed in battle with Babar, 260 Virnag, a fountain in Kashmir which is the source of the river Behat, 304 W Waihind, Mahmud of Ghazni in camp at, 46 Wais Mohammad supreme in control of four departments of Humayun, 274 Walid ibn Abd-al-Malik, caliph of Bagh- dad, death of, 14 Wali Kizil appointed military collector of Delhi by Babar, 259 Yadgar Birlas, a commander of the right wing of Timur's army, 206 Ya'kub ibn Lais, governments of Sind, Balkh, and Tokharistan conferred upon, 25-26 Yalam Khan, father of Shams-ad-din Altamish, 92