365 Victorious expeditions of, 35 Advances into the Panjab and con- quers Jaipal, 35 Defeats Jaipal and takes his kingdom, 39-41 Safarids, Persian dynasty, decline of, 24, 25 Saffron abundant in Pampur, 305 Sahban taken by Mohammad ibn Kasim, 10 Sa'id ibn Aslam, is appointed to Mekran and its frontiers, 5 Death of, 5 Saif-ad-daulah, Sultan, receives robe of honour from Caliph Kadir bi-Allah, 41 Saif-ad-din, sultan of Ghor, death of, 78 Saif-ad-din Aybek Bahtu, made com- mander of army by Raziya with title of Katlagh Khan, 106 Death of, 107 Saif-ad-din Kishli Khan, brother of Ulugh Khan, sent to his estate of Karra, 121 Saki Musta'idd Khan, Mohammedan historian, secretly prepares a history of Aurangzib's reign, 340 Description of the death of Aurangzib by, 345-348 Salih ibn Abd-ar-Rahman appointed to collect the tribute of Irak, 14 Salin Nawin and infidel Moghuls descend upon Sind, 132 Abandons his expedition against Ulugh Khan, 132 Salmur, fortress of Debal Hindi, cap- tured by Ulugh Khan, 129-130 Samanids, a Persian dynasty, conquer Mawara-an-nahr and Khorasan, 25 Samarkand, seat of Timur's empire, 219 Samarra plundered by the Karmathians, 25 Sanaruz, Abbad ibn Ziyad marches to, 4 Sangdaki, Babar's army halts at, 225 Sankaran, people of, revolt against Mu'izz-ad-din, 81 Sarai Bara, Jahangir encamps near, 312 Sarai Daulatabad, Jahangir halts at, on way to Kabul, 315 Sarandip, ancient name of Ceylon, 51 Sarbidas, Hindu ascetic, treats with Mohammad ibn Kasim for peace, 10 Sardar Khan, garden of, visited by Jahangir, 315 Sarhind, capitulates to Kolah Pithaura, 84 Fort at, captured by Mu'izz-ad-din, 82 Sasah ibn Dahir slain on way to Irak, 16 Sataldur (Sutlaj), a river of Northern India, crossed by Mahmud of Ghazni, 65 Sawandari, people of, sue for peace to Mohammad ibn Kasim, 11 Sayyid-as-Salatin, " Chief of Sultans," title of Firoz Shah, 173 Sayyid Khwaja left in command of Jahan-mima by Timur, 200 Sayyid Lachin sent to Lahore with message from Babar to his army, 236 Sayyid Tufan sent to Lahore with message from Babar to his army, 236 Seistan, a province of Persia, governed by Ya'kub ibn Lais, 26 Mu'izz-ad-din resides in, 78 Shah, Sultan, defeated in battle by the Afghan invaders, 90 Shah Abbas, jewel formerly owned by, adorns centre recess of Peacock Throne, 326 Shah Alam appointed governor of Malwa by Aurangzib, 345 Shah Jahan, Moghul emperor of Delhi. 320 Extreme suffering from famine during reign of, 321 Provides food for his suffering sub- jects, 321 Shah Rukh, commander of ten battalions of Timur's army, 183 Shahabad, Babar encamps at, 249 Shaikh - al - Islam Nizam-al-hakk-wa-ad- din, tomb of, repaired by Firoz Shah, 167 Shaikh Arslan Aztuman Kabak Khan commences successful attack on infidels of Kator, 188 Shaikh Nizam, chief redactor of a compilation of canon law for Aurang- zib, 337 Shaikh Nur-ad-din, a commander of the advance-guard of Timur's army, 206 Shajar-ad-durr, queen of the Mamluks of Egypt in 1250 A. D., 103 Shakar, fort in Tibet, taken by Mir Fakhr-ad-din, 328-329 Shams-ad-din Altamish, son-in-law of Kutb-ad-din, succeeds to the throne, 92 Divinely destined to be Sultan, 92 Sold by his brothers to a horse dealer, 93 Educated by a noble family of Bo- khara, 93 An anecdote of early life of, 93 Purchased a third time by Haji Bokhari, 93-94 Repurchased by Jamal-ad-din Chast Kaba and taken to Ghazni, 94