INDEX Marches from Tillah to Bhakra through the bed of the Kahan, 308 Journey of, from Lahore to Kashmir, 309-315 Jahangirpur, Jahangir stops at, on the way to Kabul, 300 Jahan-numa, plundered by Timur's order, 196-197 Jahan-panah restored by Firoz Shah, 168 Jahan Shah, a commander of the left whig of Timur's army, 206 Jahir of Ijari, defeated by Ulugh Khan, 120 Jaipal, a Hindu raja, conquered by Sabuktagin, 35 Marches toward Ghazni, 36 Defeated a second time by Sabuk- tagin, 36-37 Treachery of, 38 Makes final stand against Sabuktagin, but is defeated, 39-41 Defeated and captured by Mahmud of Ghazni, 42-45 Son and grandson of, held as hostages by Mahmud of Ghazni, 45 Enters into conditions of peace with Mahmud of Ghazni, 45 Virtually compelled to commit suicide, 45-46 Jaishiya ibn Dahir, return of, to Brah- manabad, 15 Defeated and slain by Junaid ibn Abd-ar-Rahman al-Marri at the lake of ash-Sharki, 16 Jalal-ad-din, king of Khwarizm, routed by Chingiz Khan, 97 Defeated by Shams-ad-din Altamish, flees toward Sind and Siwistan, 98 Jalal-ad-din, sultan of Delhi, tomb of, restored by Firoz Shah, 166 Jalal-al-Islam sent to clear a road for Timur's army, 193 Jalali, rebels of, chastised by Ulugh Khan, 114 Jamal-ad-din Yakut, Abyssinian amir, appointed a personal attendant of Raziya, 107 Killed by Turks, 108 Jami' Masjid, a mosque built at Sindan by Fazl ibn Mahan, 23 Jami' Masjid, a mosque at Delhi, re- paired by Firoz Shah, 165 Prayers said in the name of Timur in the, 214 Jamrud, Jahangir encamps at, 315 Jihlam, a river of Northern India, crossed by Mahmud of Ghazni, 65 Jihun river, crossed by Ilak Khan, 52 Jogipura built by Akbar as a home for Hindu ascetics, 292 Jumna, crossed by Mahmud of Ghazni, 65 Babar encamps on the banks of the, 250, 259 Junaid ibn Abd-ar-Rahman al-Marri, appointed to the frontier of Sind, 16 Victorious at Kiraj, 16 Campaigns of, 17 Jurz, see Gujarat Kabir Khan makes war against Raziya, 105 Province of Lahore assigned to, 106 Kabul river, see Kama Kabul, a city of Afghanistan, Babar returns to, 235 Kachah-Kot (Kach-kot) river, crossed by Babar, 225 Babar encamps on the banks of the, 235 Kadir bi-Allah, caliph of Baghdad, sanctions the campaigns of Sabuk- tagin, 41 Kafur, general of Ala-ad-din, starts on expedition against Ma'bar, 149 Seizes two hundred and fifty elephants at Brahmastpuri, 151 Return of, to Delhi, celebrated by a durbar, 153 Kaharphucha, fort in Tibet built by Ali Rai, 328 Fort of, surrendered to Zafar Khan, 329 Kahchana, fort in Tibet built by Ali Rai, 328 Minister of Abdal retires to, 328 Surrendered to Zafar Khan, 329 Kahlur, fort of, taken by Babar's army, 247 Kala-pani, Jahangir marches to, on way to Kabul, 310 Kaldah-kahar, Babar halts at, 227 Kalij Khan Mas'ud Khani, rumours of rebellion of, 132-133 Appointed to govern Lakhnauti, 133 Prevailed upon to do homage to Nasir- ad-din, 133 Kalini, Babar encamps on banks of, 258 Kalinjar held by Baba Khan, 230 Kallari captured by Mohammad ibn Fazl ibn Mahan, 23 Kama (Kabul) river, Jahangir stops at, 312 Kam Bakhsh, appointed governor of Bijapur by Aurangzib, 345 Kanauj, a province of Multan in 915 A.D., 27 Deserted when Mahmud of Ghazni reaches it, 69 Fate of temples of, 69