357 Hindus, punishment inflicted by Nasir- ad-din's army on, 139 Assembled in the Jami' Masjid, ordered killed by Timur, 218 Rigorous measures of Aurangzib against, 335 Hindustan, four defences of, 176-177 Hisar-Firozah captured by Babar's troops and given to Humayun, 249 Humayun succeeds Babar, 265-266 Seeks an omen by asking the names of the first three men he meets, 266-268 Uses golden arrows to indicate position of members of the classes in his realm, 271-273 Grants audience to each of the three classes of his realm on different days, 269-271 Divides affairs of government into four classes, 273-274 Humayun Mirza ordered by Babar to occupy Agra and take possession of the treasures, 259 Husain, a commander of the left wing of Timur's army, 206 Husain Beg, ambassador of Iran to Jahangir, 300 Husain Kharmil, governor of the fort of Sialkot, 81 Ibadat-Khanah (" Hall of Worship "), completed by Akbar in 1575 A. D., 277-278 Ibn Harri al-Bahali appointed to frontiers of India, 5 Ibn Haukal, Arab geographer, account of India by, 28-32 Ibrahim, Sultan, details of defeat of, by Ala-ad-din Khan, 237-243 Advance-guard of, encamps on road toward Babar's camp, 250 Advance-guard of, defeated by Babar's troops, 250-251 Army of, marches against Babar, 255 Defeated by Babar, 258 Loss in army of, 258 Head of, brought as trophy to Babar, 258 Idols in temple at Maharat-al-Hind, description of, 68 Ikhtiyar-ad-din Itigin, appointed lord chamberlain by Raziya, 107 Death of, 108 Ilak Khan routed by Mahmud of Ghazni, 52 Imad-ad-din Rihan, chief in the army of Nasir-ad-din, 120 Viceroy during Nasir-ad-din's absence at Hansi, 121 Despotism of, causes many chiefs to desert to standard of Ulugh Khan, 123-124 Dismissed from office of minister, 125 Appointed to government of Badaun, 125 Plot of, to prevent peace between Nasir-ad-din and Ulugh Khan, 125 Appointed to government of Bahraich, 126 Defeated and put to death, 127 India, Northern, governed for more than eighty years by Slave Kings, 87 Irak, province of Persia, Abdallah ibn Amar ibn Kuraiz appointed gov- ernor of, 2 Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf governor of, 5 Mohammad Taghlak's proposed con- quest of, 161 Isma'il Khan sent by Babar to offer terms of capitulation to Ghazi Khan, 244 Istakhri, Arab geographer and traveller, 28 Istiya, a district of Afghanistan, Mu'izz- ad-din assigned to, 78 Izz-ad-din Balban appointed lord cham- berlain by Nasir-ad-din, 121 Goes to camp of Ulugh Khan to arrange terms of peace, 125 Sends presents to Nasir-ad-din, 134 Appointed to Lakhnauti, 134 Izz-ad-din Husain Kharmil, a general in Mu'izz-ad-din's army, 90 Izz-ad-din Kabir Khan Ayyaz, governor of Lahore, secretly joins Raziya, 106 Revolts against Raziya, 108 Is appointed to province of Multan, 108 Izz-ad-din Mohammad Salari makes war against Raziya, 105 Secretly joins Raziya, 106 Joins forces with Malik Altuniya, 108 Jagannath, temple of, destroyed by Ala-ad-din, 152 Jahangir, memoirs of, preserved in two forms, 294 Ascends throne at Agra in 1605 A. D., 295 Twelve ordinances established by, 295-299 Characteristics of, 300 Orders a minaret raised over a royal antelope, 303 Orders magnificent buildings and gardens built around the fountain of Virnag, 304