355 All country surrounding, subdued by Mu'izz-ad-din, 81 Dailamite dynasty, of Persia, penetrates to the borders of Irak, 25 Dalaki-wa-Malaki, a prince in the vicinity of the Jumna, subdued and captured by Ulugh Khan, 118-119 Dar-al-aman, or " House of Rest," restored by Firoz Shah, 167 Dar-ash-shifa, hospital built by Firoz Shah, 169 Daud ibn Yazid ibn Hatim, appointed governor of Sind, 21 Daulat, son of Abdal, escapes from fort of Shakar, 329 Daulat Khan sends word of Ghazi Khan's flight and offers submission to Babar, 244 Rebuked by Babar, 245 Family of, allowed by Babar to re- tain authority only in their own tribes, 245 Daulatabad, see Deogir Debal Hindi joins Katlagh Khan, 129 Deccan, severe drought in, 321 Delhi conquered by Kutb-ad-din, 85 Central Mohammedan government at, 87 Captured by Kutb-ad-din in 1191 A. D., 90 Kutb-ad-din returns to, 91 Under the sway of Shams-ad-din Alta- mish, 97 Throne of, occupied by a woman, 103 Ulugh Khan returns to, 132 Famine in, result of excessive taxa- tion, 156-157 Destroyed by Mohammad Taghlak's change of capital to Deogir, 157 Inhabitants of, ordered to Deogir, 158 Ancient fortifications of, repaired by Firoz Shah, 168 Inhabitants of, granted quarter by Timur, 213 Plundered by Turks and later by Timur's army, 215-218 Description of cities of, 220 Prayers said hi name of Babar, at, 259 Deogir (Daulatabad), expedition of Ala- ad-din against, 142 New capital of Mohammad Taghlak, 157 Severe drought in, 321 Dewali, rebels of, chastised by Ulugh Khan, 114 Diktur, arrival of Timur at, 193 Dilamez, garden of, Jahangir at, 300 Dilawar Khan joins Babar near Milwat, 241 Dimashk (Damascus), name suggested for the new city al-Mahfuzah, 18 Dinpanah, city of, built by Humayun, 274-276 Dost appointed governor of Delhi by Babar, 259 Duhar, raja of Kiraj, routed by Moham- mad ibn Kasim, 14 E Elephants, the strength of the armies of Hindustan, 204-205 Fakhr-ad-din, uncle of Mu'izz-ad-din (later Mohammad Ghori), 78 Fakhr-ad-din, brother of Malik Kochi, flees from Raziya, but is captured and later killed, 106 Fakhr - ad - din Abd - al - Aziz of Kuf a, chief judge and governor of Naisha- pur, 88 Fare, province of Persia, Mohammad ibn Kasim governor of, 7 Fazl-allah Balkhi, viceroy and deputy of Mallu Khan, does homage to Timur, 212 Fazl ibn Mahan subdues Sindan, 23 Firoz, son of Shams-ad-din Altamish, succeeds to the throne, but dies after a dissipated reign of seven months, 103 Firoz Shah succeeds Mohammad Taghlak and reigns forty years, 162 Translation of a memoir of, 163-173 Endows public shelters, 168-169 Restores lands confiscated by former sultans, 169-170 Piety and benevolence of, 170-171 Authority of, confirmed by the caliph, 172-173 Firoz-koh, Mohammad Ghori remains for a year at, 78 G Ganges, the sacred river of the Hindus, 69 Ghassan ibn Abbad sent to subdue Bashar ibn Daud, 21 Ghaznavids, decline of, 81, 82 Ghazni the stronghold of the Moslem Turks in tenth century, 34 Decline of power of house of, 77 Conquered by Ghiyas-ad-din, 78 Ghiyas-ad-din, sultan, of the house of Ghor, 77 Establishes his authority over the whole of Garmsir, 78