335 Hindu writers have been entirely excluded from holding public offices and all the great temples of these infamous people have been thrown down and des- troyed in a manner which excites astonishment at the successful completion of so difficult a task. His Majesty personally teaches the profession of faith j.i-*O,iS/-' *-=: scsj-x *= iMrJ fiHPlSSs , -v^i ; ;-- ftaWI-H i sv^xj^-a*^^-- **v ' A MOSQUE AT ALIGARH. to many infidels with success, and invests them with robes of honour and bestows other favours upon them. Alms and donations are given by this fountain of generosity in such abundance that the emperors of past ages did not bestow even a hundredth part of the amount. In the sacred month of Ramazan sixty thou- sand rupees, and in the other months less than that amount, are distributed among the poor. Several eat- ing-houses have been established in the capital and other cities, at which food is served out to the poor