" Verily, courage, and generosity, and liberality, Belonged to Mohammad, son of Kasim, son of Mohammad ; He led armies at the age of seventeen years ; He seemed destined for command from the day of his birth." Yazid ibn Abu-Kabsha died eighteen days after his arrival in Sind. Sulaiman then appointed Habib ibn al- Muhallab to carry on the war in Sind, and he departed for that purpose. Meanwhile the princes of Hind had returned to their states, and Jaishiya ibn Dahir had come back to Brahmanabad. Habib proceeded to the banks of the Mihran, where the people of Alrur made their submission; but he warred against a certain tribe and reduced them. When the Caliph Sulaiman ibn Abd-al-Malik died, he was succeeded by Omar ibn Abd-al-Aziz in 717 A. D. He wrote to the princes of Hind, inviting them to become Mussulmans and submit to his authority, where- upon they would be treated like all other Mussulmans. These princes had already heard of his promises, char- acter, and creed, so Jaishiya and other princes turned Mussulmans and took Arab names. Amru ibn Muslim al-Bahali was lieutenant of Omar on this frontier. He invaded several places in Hind and subdued them. In the days of Yazid ibn Abd-al-Malik, who reigned from 720 to 724 A. D., the sons of al-Muhallab fled to Sind, and Hilal ibn Ahwaz at-Tamimi was sent after them. He fell in with them and killed Mudrak ibn Muhallab at Kandabil. He also slew Mufazzal, Abd-al- Malik, Ziyad, Marun, and Mu'awiya, sons of Muhallab, and last of all he killed Mu'awiya ibn Yazid.