pated. I was never there in spring, but I hope some- time or other to be there during that season. On Saturday, the first of Muharram, I marched from the bank of the Behat to Rohtas, with one stage inter- vening. The fort of Rohtas is one of the buildings of Slier Khan Afghan and is constructed among the ra- vines, where it seems scarcely conceivable that so strong a position could have been obtained. As this tract is near the country of the Gakkars, a troublesome and turbulent race, he commenced to build this fort for the purpose of overawing and controlling them. Sher Khan died when only a portion of the work was done, but it was completed by his son Salim Khan. On Tuesday, the fourteenth, I marched four leagues and three-quarters to Tillah, which means " a hill ' : in the Gakkar language. From that place I proceeded to the village of Bhakra, which in the language of the same people is the name of a shrub with odourless white flowers. From Tillah to Bhakra I marched the whole way through the bed of the Kahan, in which water was then flowing, while the oleander bushes were in full bloom and of exquisite colour, like peach blos- soms. These shrubs grew in special abundance at the sides of this stream, so I ordered my personal attend- ants, both horse and foot, to bind bunches of the flow- ers in their turbans and directed that the turbans of those who would not decorate themselves in this fashion should be taken off their heads. I thus got up a beau- tiful garden. On Thursday, the sixth, the camping-ground was