station, on Monday, the twenty-eighth of Jumada-1- awwal, we began to receive repeated information from Ibrahim's camp that he was advancing slowly by a league or two at a time, and halting two or three days at each station. I, for my part, likewise moved to meet him, and after the second march from Shahabad, encamped on the banks of the Jumna, opposite Sirsa- wah. Haidar Kuli, a servant of Khwaja Kilan, was sent out to procure intelligence, after which I crossed the Jumna by a ford and went to see Sirsawah. From this station we held down the river for two marches, keeping close along its banks, when Haidar Kuli returned, bringing information that Baud Khan and Haitim Khan had been sent across the river into the Doab with six or seven thousand horse and had encamped three or four leagues in advance of Ibrahim's position on the road toward us. On Sunday, the eight- eenth of Jumada-1-akhir, I despatched Chin Timur Sul- tan against this column, together with the whole of the left wing commanded by Sultan Junaid, as well as part of the centre under Yunas Ali, directing them to ad- vance rapidly and to take the enemy by surprise. Next morning, about the time of early prayers, they came upon the enemy, who put themselves in some kind of order and marched out to meet them; but our troops had no sooner come up than the enemy fled, and were followed in close pursuit and slaughtered all the way to the limits of Ibrahim's camp. The detachment cap- tured Haitim Khan, Baud Khan's eldest brother, and one of the generals, as well as seventy or eighty pris-