Malka, who had carried off the camels, was taken pris- oner with his children and dependents, while 250 of the chiefs of the rebels were captured. In the course of twenty days this great work was accomplished, and the army returned to Delhi on the twenty-fourth of Kabi'-al-awwal, 658 A. H. (Mar. 9, 1260 A. D.). His Majesty, with a great retinue of chiefs and A GROUP OF AFGHANS. (Copyright by Underwood & Underwood, New York.) nobles, went forth to the plain of Hauz-rani, to meet the conqueror, and a grand durbar was held, in which many honours and rewards were bestowed. After a stay of two days in the capital, the court again went forth to Hauz-rani on a mission of revenge. The ele- phants were prepared, and the Turks made ready their trenchant swords. , By royal command many of the