119 but the accursed infidel had escaped into the lofty mountains, where he could not be reached except by stratagem and the use of ropes and ladders. Ulugh Khan incited his soldiers to make the attempt, and, under his able direc- tion, they succeeded in taking the place. All Dalaki-wa-Mala- ki's wives, depend- ents, and children fell into the hands of the victors, to- gether with many cattle, slaves, horses, so that and the INDIAN VILLAGE WOMEN. spoil which was secured exceeded all computation. At the beginning of Shawwal, 645 A. H. (February, 1248 A. D.), the forces of Ulugh Khan returned to the royal camp with their booty, and after the festival of sacrifices, the whole army marched toward Delhi, which it reached on the fourth of Muharram, 646 A. H. (April, 1248 A. D.). In Sha'ban, 646 A. H. (November, 1248 A. D.), the royal army marched through the upper country to the neighbourhood of the Biyah and then returned to the capital. Ulugh Khan, with several nobles under him, was sent with an ample force toward Rantambhor, the capital of Bahar Deo, who was the greatest of the rajas of Hindustan. He ravaged the whole of those terri- tories and gained much booty.