royal camp, bringing back all Ms officers and troops in safety. On Thursday, the sixth of Zu-1-ka'da, 644 A. H. (March 16, 1247 A. D.), his Majesty returned to the capital, which he reached on Thursday, the second of Muharram, 645 A. H. The perseverance and resolution of Ulugh Khan had been the means of showing to the army of Turkistan and the Moghuls such bravery and generalship that in the course of this year no one came from the upper districts toward Sind. Ulugh Khan, therefore, represented to his Majesty, in the month of Sha'ban, that the time had come to make an expedition into Hindustan, by which spoil would fall into the hands of the soldiers of Islam and wealth would be gained to strengthen the hands of the State in resisting the Moghuls. The royal armies accordingly marched to Hindustan, passing through the Doab region between the Ganges and the Jumna. After some fighting, the fort of Nan- dana was captured, and Ulugh Khan was sent with some other generals and a Mohammedan force to oppose Dalaki-wa-Malaki, a powerful prince in the vicinity of the Jumna, between Kalinjar and Karra, over whom the kings of Kalinjar and Malwa had no authority. When Ulugh Khan reached his abode, Dalaki-wa-Ma- laki provided so carefully for the safety of himself and his family that he kept quiet from dawn until the time of evening prayer, and when it grew dark he fled to some more secure place. At daybreak, the Moham- medan army entered his abode and then pursued him,