91 GMyas-ad-din Mahmud Mohammad Sam, his nephew, gave Kutb-ad-din the royal canopy and the title of Sultan. In 602 A. H. (1205 A. D.) the new monarch marched from Delhi to attack Lahore, and on Tuesday, the eighteenth of the month of Zu-1-ka'da, 602 A.H. (June 26, 1206), he ascended the throne in that city. After some time a dispute arose be- tween him and Sultan Taj-ad-din Yildiz re- specting Lahore, and it ended in a battle, in which the victory was gained by Sultan Kutb- ad-din. Taj-ad-din fled, and Sultan Kutb-ad-din then proceeded toward Ghazni, which he cap- tured, and he sat upon the throne of that city for forty days, at the end of which time he returned to Delhi. Death now claimed his own, and in the year 607 A. H. (1210 A. D.) the Sultan fell from his horse in the field while he was playing polo (chaugdn), and the horse came down upon him, so that the pommel of the saddle entered his chest and killed him. The period of his MIN'AR OF KDTB-AD-DIN AT DELHI.