to release Ms son; but constant skirmishes occurred between them until the arrival of Sultan Mahmud in those parts, who, through the kindness of God, had wish after wish gratified in a succession of conquests. To save his life, Puru Jaipal entered into an alliance with Bhoj Chand, who was arrogant because of the strength of his forts and their difficulty of access, and there he considered himself secure against pursuit in his inaccessible retreat. Chand Eai, on the contrary, took up arms, trusting in the strength of his fort; but had he remained in it, he would undoubtedly have had it destroyed, and had he trusted to his army, it would have been of no avail. Under these circumstances, Bhimpal wrote him a letter to this effect: " Sultan Mahmud is not like the rulers of Hind and is not the leader of black men. It is obviously advisable to seek safety from such a person, for armies flee away before the very name of him and his father. I regard his bridle as much stronger than yours, for he never con- tents himself with one blow of the sword nor does his army satisfy itself with one hill out of a whole range. If, therefore, you design to contend with him, you will suffer; but do as you like you know best. If you wish for your own safety, you will remain in concealment." Chand Rai considered that Bhimpal had given him sound advice and that danger was to be incurred by acting contrary to his suggestions. He therefore de- parted secretly with his property, elephants, and treas- ure to the hill country, which was exceedingly lofty, hiding himself in jungles which the sun could not pene-