293 Sun-worship, recognized by Akbar, 43, 44 Surat, a city, rebellion of, 13 Portuguese fort at, 14 English factory at, 65, 63, 70, 72 Hawkins arrives at, 67, 61 Governor of, 61, 69 Visited by Pietro della Valle, 79 Visited by Mandelslo, 93 Merchants at, 94 English factory at, 155 Sacked by the Marathas, 156 Raghunath Rao flees to, 272, 273 Sutauati, 144 Sutlaj, 177, 182 Suttee, widow-burning, 17 Syria, ports of, 64 Taj Mahal at Agra, architect of the, 100- 101 Description of the, 100-102 Tamerlane, see Thnur Tanjore, 155 Tardi Beg, defeated in battle, 3 Tavern ier, a French traveller in India, 66, 92 Describes Aurangzib's asceticism, 122 Quoted, 133, 180 Tax, religious, abolished, 121 See also Jizya Taxation, under Akbar, 15, 27-29, 32 Under Shah Jahan, 92 Under Aurangzib, 219 Temples, Hindu, destroyed by Auranirzib, 121 Tennyson, poem of, entitled "Dream of Akbar," 40 Terry, Rev. Edward, at Jahangir's court, 79 Thanesar, sacred lake at, 11 Thevenot, travels of, in India, 66 Timur (Timur Lang, Tamerlane), 13, 181, 188 Timur Shah, son of Ahmad Shah, 228, 229, 231, 233, 248 Tobacco, counterblast of Jahangir against, 69 Todar Mai, a famous Rajput, finance minister of Akbar, 23, 26, 27, 29 Liberal policy of, in opening offices to Hindus, 30 Policy of, in land taxation, 31 Tolerance, Akbar's religious, 15, 61, 60 Tolstoi, Count, Russian author and re- former, 122 Torna, a castle near Poona, 153 Trade, with Arabs, 64 Portuguese, Dutch, and English, with India, 54-55, 94, 96 Under Aurangzib, 143, 144 Travellers, European, in India, 61, 139 See also Andersen, Bernier, Careri, Mandelslo, Manrique, Olearius, Ovington Trichinopoly, a city and district of the Madras Presidency, 164 Turkey, Sultan of, 14 Treaty of, 72 War of, with Hungary, 167 Turkish language, 62, 96 Turkman, 3 U Udai Singh, a raja, 17 Udaipur, a city, 18, 23, 148 Rana of, 81, 160, 216, 217 Rajputs of, defeated by Shah Jahan, 83 Ravaged by the Moghuls, 149 Udaipuri, a wife of Aurangzib, 138, 169, 172 Ujjain, a historic city of India, 194, 196 Urdu, an Indian dialect, 30 Uzbegs, 108, 126 . Valle, Pietro della, an Italian traveller in India, 66, 79, 82, 92, 93 Vedanta philosophy, known to Akbar, 40 Verroneo, Geronimo, a Venetian, archi- tect of the Taj Mahal, 101 Versailles, comparison of Fathpur-Sikri with, 36 Vikramajit, a title, 4 Vindhya, a mountain range, 151 Virgin, the Blessed, picture of, in Jahan. gir's palace, 66, 133 Vishnu, temple of, at Benares, 145 "Visiapur," a corrupt spelling of Bi- japur, 168 W Weighing of the Moghul emperor, a custom, 44, 75-76, 104, 136-137 Wicquefort, Abraham de, translated Mau- delslo's Journal into French, 93 Widows, burning of, 17 Allowed to remarry, 17 Wine-drinking, 59, 62, 67, 73-76, 79, 84, 95 Yusufzais, an Afghan tribe, 48 Zamindar, land-holder, 218 Zoroastrians (fire-worshippers), at Ak- bar's court, 36