Sadasheo Bbao, a Maratha, 187 Sadat Khan, a general under Bahadur Khan, 197, 212 Sa'di, a Persian poet, quotation from. 126 Safdar Jang, viceroy of Oudh, 182, 184 Sahu, s.ihuji, or Shahji, a Maratha ruler, 177, 218, 220 Maries, amount of official, under Ja- hangir, 77 Sal i iii, eldest son and successor of Ak- bar, with the title Jahangir, 49-60, 68, 80, 194 See also Jahangir Salim Cliisti, a saint who prophesied the birth of Akbar's son, So Salim, Akbar's son, named after, 35 Saliiua, a wife of Akbar, 16 Salimgarh, an island fortress at Delhi, 119 Sauibhaji, son of Sivaji, wars of, against Aiiraugzib, 167, 161, 164, 225 Death of, 164-166 Saumgarh, battle at, 112, 116, 167 Saiidip, an island off Chittagong, 143 Sanga, raiia of Chitor, 17 Sangram, name of Akbar's gun, 22 Sanskrit, ancient language of India, 153 Literature in, known to Akbar, 40 Sappers, 21 Sar-desh-muk, district-chief, 219-221 Satnaniis, Hindu religious devotees, 147 Satpura, a mountain range, 48, 161, 162 Sattara, a town and district in the Bom- bay Presidency, 167 Settlement, 28 Shahji Bhonsla, father of the Maratha leader Sivaji, 163, 218 Shah Jalian. Moghul emperor, son of Jahangir, 70, 81-83, 88 Opposes Jahangir, 84-87 Returns from Sind, 86 Ascends the throne, 88 Character of, 88-92 Popularity of, 89 ( >rthodoxy of, 89 Statesmanship of, 89 Provincial government under, 95-96 Agra in the reign of, described by MandelRlo. 90-99 Builds the Taj and other edifices at Acra, 101-102 Builds Shahjahanabad, or New Delhi, 102-103 Power of, weakened, 105 Advances acainst Bijapur, 107 Conquests by generals of, 108 Consents to the invasion of the Deccan, 110 Imprisoned in his palace. 118 Death of, 118 Throne of, 136 Rebelled against by Shahji Bhonsla, 153 Shahjahanabad, or New Delhi, 102. 288, 248, 249, 250 Description of, 103 See also Delhi, New Shahriyar, son of Jahangir, 83 Infant daughter of, 86-86 Death of, 86 Shaikh Farid, of Bokhara, an official under Akbar, 197, 199, 201, 200-212 Shaikh Pir Muhammad Husain, a general under Bahadur Khan, 212 Shalimar, a garden at Delhi, 120 Shams-ad-din, a prime minister, 8 Shayista Khan, an unoie of Aurangzib, 143, 144 Sher Shah, Moghul emperor, 26, 27, 28 Mii-a. a Mohammedan sect, 41, 4(5, 110, 122, 139 Shiraz, a city of Persia, 98 Shuja', son of Shah .Julian. 110 Attempt of, to seize the throne, 111 Disappearance of, 120 Shuja'-ad-daulah, vizir of Oudh, 184, 283, 236, 247, 249, 266 Siege of Chitor, 17-23 Sikandar, commands Delhi, 3 Surrenders Mankot, 4 Sikandra, near Delhi, 239 Sikhs, 175, 177, 229, 230 Sikri, a village, afterwards Fathpur-Sikri, the royal city, 36 Sind, a district ruled by Akbar, 8 Exile of Shah Jahan to, 86-87 Sindhia, 179, 182, 187, 188, 272, 274 ' Sipihr Shukoh, a son of Para, 114 Sirhind, a town in the Panjab, Akbar's victory at, 2 Akbar's headquarters at, 4 Native place of Illahbad Faizi, 193 Battle near, 231, 237 A proposed boundary, 248 Governor of, 260 Sironj, in Rajputana, 196, 222, 268 Sivaji, founder of the Maratha power, 168 Makes terms with Aurangzib, 155 Resumes hostilities, 156 Death of, 156 Character of, 166, 168 Is succeeded by his son, 167 Picture of, 216 Slave Kings, 188 Sudras, lowest Hindu caste, 162 Sufis, Persian philosophers, 33 Sulaiman, Sultan of Turkey, 14 Sultanpur, name of several towns in India. lt>7 Sunnis, Mohammedan sect, 39