INDEX Moscow, 122 Modem architecture, 189 Eulogists of Shah Jahan, 02 Practice of learning a trade, 122 Saints, tombs of. 34 Teachers at Akbar's court, 36 See also Mohammedan Modems, Akbar's attitude toward, 43 Aurangzib praised by, 129 Disordered after Auraugzib's death, 176 Hate idolatry, 146 In the battle at Panipat, 187 Mosques of, 160 Pilgrimage one of the duties of, 122 Sivaji's behaviour toward, 166 See also Mohammedans Mosque at New Delhi, 103 Of Aurangzib at Benares, 146, 146, 147 Mosques at Agra, 96 Desecrated by Hindus, 149 Mirazzam, prince, a son of Aurangzib, afterwards the emperor Bahadur Shah, 138, 149, 160, 169, 176 Mujtahid, an authority in religious mat- ters of the Mohammedan faith, 43 Mulla Ahmad, a historian, 18 Multan, a district and city in the Panjab, 231, 240 Mumtaz-i-Mahal, empress of Shah Jahan and the lady of the Taj, 89, 104 Murad, son of Afcbar, 41, 49, 69, 198, 194 Murad Bakhsh, son of Shah Jahan, 111 Joins with Aurangzib, 112 Fights against Dara, 113, 116-116 Death of, 1 19 Muscovy, Grand Duke of, embassy to the, 92 Muskets, see Matchlocks Musketeers, 140 Muzaffar Khan, chancellor of Akbar, 26 Mysore, a city in the Madras Presidency, 164 N Nadir Shah, of Persia, invasion of India by, 180-182 Nagpur, a town in the Central Provinces, 201. 268 Najib-ad-daulah, chief of the Kohillas, 183. 187, 228, 229, 230, 233, 234, 247 Namlurbar, a town of Khandesh in the Bombay Presidency, 197 Narain Rao, a Maratha ruler, 269-273 Narbada, a river, 25, 151, 179, 197, 201, 224 Battle at the, 112 Narsing, name of an elephant. 12 Nasik, a town in the Bombay Presidency, 263, 264. 205. !7 Naushirwan, king of Persia, 217 Nautch girls, 137 New Delhi, or Shahjahauabad, see Delhi Nizam Shah, 83 Dominions of the, 107 Nizam Shahs, dynasty of the, 106 Nur Jahan, wife of the emperor Jahangir, 64, 79 Tomb of the father of, 79 Character of, 80 Engaged in battle at the Behat (Hy- daspes), 86 Retires from public life on the death of her husband, 87 Death of, 87 Nur Mahal, " Light of the Palace," name applied to Nur Jahan, 79-80 Olearius, a German traveller, who edited Mandelslo's Journal, 93 Omrah (Amir), a title of rule, 128, 136, 186 Ordeal, trial by, forbidden by Akbar, 16 Orieutal government, opportunities of, for exaction, 33 Orissa, a district ruled by Akbar, 3 Ornament, in Akbar's palace, 36-39 Orthodoxy of Shah Jahan, 89 Oudh, 182, 184 Ovington, an English traveller in India, 128, 129 Ottoman Empire, 142 Oxenden, Sir George, repulses the Mara- thas at Surat, 166 Pacheco, a Portuguese hero, 64 Pachisi, played with living pieces at Ak- bar's court, 36-87 Padre Santo, burial-place of Europeans at Agra, 89 Painting, Indian, Persian, Chinese, and Christian, 87-89, 133 Akbar's interest in, 37-38 Jahangir's interest in, 183 Panch Mahal, palatial cloister at Akbar's court, 87 Panipat, great battlefield at, 2, 4 Battle between Afghans and Marathas at, in 1761, 184-188, 261, 266 Panjab, a district, subject to Akbar, 2 Artists in the, 37 Under the later Moghuls, 177, 182, 183, 184 Pantheists, Indian, represented at Ak- bar's court. 36 Parganas, districts divided as fiscal units, 31