289 Joins Shah Jahan, 86-87 Campaigns of, 97 Death of, 97 Mahal, seraglio, or harem, 132 Mahain Anaga, foster-mother of Akbar, 6 Intrigues against Bairam, 6-7 Death of, 8-9 Mahdi, a saviour to come, 46 Mahindri, a river, 13 Mahmud of Ghazni, raids by, 188 Makhdum-al-mulk, an orthodox Moham- medan leader, 39, 45 Maksudabad Lake, in Bengal, 229 Malacca, 143 Malgarh, a fortress at Asir, 206 Malik Amber, vizir, 82, 10(5, 107 Malwa, a Hindu state, 2, 8, 179, 194, 214, 222 Man Singh, a commander under Akbar, 23, 30 Mandelslo, a German traveller in India, 56, 92, 93, 94, 95 Description of Agra by, 96-97 Describes the military force of Shah Jahan, 99 Mandu, a place in Central India, 199 Mankot, 6 Manrique, Sebastian, an Augustinian missionary, 100, 133 Mansabdar, title of commander of horse, a life-peer, 15, 32, 62, 65 Salary of a, under Jahangir, 77 Salary of a, under Aurangzib, 140-141 Manucci, a Venetian traveller in India at Aurangzib's court, 56, 138 Marathas, a Hindu people, wars of the, 145-166 Origin and early history of the, 152 Rise to power, 153 Wars of, with Auraugzib, 153-166 Method of fighting, 106, 167 Language of the, 153, 215, 224 Hardiness of the, 166 Plunder the Moghul army, 170 Oppose Bahadur Shah, 175 Divided into factions, 177 Increase of the power of the, 178-179, 182 Zenith of the power of the, 183 Fight with the Afghans at Panipat, 184-188 Chronicle of the, by Ibrahim Khan, 215-276 Food, dress, and arms of the, 224 Marriage, laws of Akbar coucerning,16-17 Of children forbidden, 16 Of widows allowed, 17 Manrar, rana of, 88, 112, 148 Masuiipatam, a town in the Madras terri- tory, 94, 136 Matchlocks, 11, 22, 99, 113 Mathura, shrine at, 145, 228 Medina, Pilgrimages to, 122 Mekka, pilgrimages to, 7, 45, 122, 156 Akbar contemplated a pilgrimage to, 41 Merchants, abodes of, at Delhi, 131 Metaphysical views in India, 40 Mewar, 148 Mewat, religious insurrection at, 147 Millennium, doctrine of a, 46 Mir Jumla, a Persian vizir of Golkonda, an ally of Aurangzib, 110 Expedition of, against Assam, 142 Succeeded in office by Shayista Khan, 143 Miraim's Kothi, room in Akbar's palace, 37 Miran, Sadr-i Jahan, sent as envoy by Akbar, 196, 197, 209 Mirich (Miraj), a town in the Bombay Presidency, 154 Mirza Jani Beg of Tatta, an amir under Akbar, 210 Mirzas, of Surat, cousins of Akbar, 13 Missionaries, Portuguese, 100 Miyan Sayyid, an officer of Akbar, 209 Moghul architecture, 100-103 Army under Aurangzib, 140 Battles begin with an artillery engage- ment, 113 Cavalry, 157 Cities, 132 Court, 62-53, 124, 162 Emperors, dynastic list of the, 279 Emperors, portraits of the, 37, 134 Empire, golden age of the, 1 Empire, extent of the, 2 Empire, fall of the, 173-190 Forces, 4 Parallel of the Domesday Book, 26 Princes, 126 Valour, decline of, 165, 166, 176 Mohammad, a son of Dara, 114, 117 , Mohammad, prince, a son of Aurangzib, 138 Mohammad Shah, a Moghul emperor, 178, 180, 221 Mohammed, the prophet, character of, 39 An inspirer of saints, 43 Time reckoned from the death of, 46 Precept of, about learning a trade, 122 Mohammedan architecture, 189 Law of taxation, 148 Merchants, 95 Sects, 39, 41, 89, 110 See also Moslem Mohammedans, taught Persian by Hin- dus, 30 See also Moslems