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INDEX Jaipur, a city, 15, 160 Jalal -ad-din, a surname of Akbar, 41, 49 Jalla Jalaluh, a Mohammedan religious formula, 41 James I, of England, sends presents to the Great Moghul, 67 His counterblast against tobacco par- alleled by a treatise of Jahangir, 69- 60 Januji Bhonsla, 261, 26S, 268 Japan, visited by Mandelslo, 93 Jarrett, Col. H. S., estimate of, of the Akbarnamah, 47 Jaswant Singh, a Rajput ruler, 116, 147 Jats, name of a tribe, 228, 238 Jauhar, a holocaust rite, 22 Jaunpur, a city, 6 Jesuits, in India, 87, 60, 70, 89, 100, 133 Jesus Christ, mentioned in an inscription of Akbar, 49 Jhansi, fort at, 243, 269 Jizya (poll-tax), remitted by Akbar, 16, 16,27 Revived by Aurangzib, 147, 148, 149 Joan, Fra, an Augustiuian friar, governs Sandip, 143 Jodhpur, 148, 149 Jumna, a river, 100, 103, 131, 222, 237, 239, 242, 248, 250, 251 Junagarh, a fort, 14 Kabul, ruled by Akbar 's brother, 8, 48 Revolt of, against Akbar, 4 Rising of, against Jahangir, 84 Under the last Moghuls, 180 Flight of Jahan Khan to, 231 Kaliani, 164 Kalinjar, a Rajput fortress, 23 Kaliyada, a place near Ujjain, 195 Kam Bakhsh, prince, son of Aurangzib, 138, 169, 171, 233 Death of, 174 Kaniargarh, a fortress at Asir, 206 Kandahar, city in Afghanistan, ruled by Akbar, 3, 25, 48 Lost in Jahangir's reign, 82 Taken by the Persians, 108, 180 Aurangzib's hope of retaking, 167 Held by Ahmad Shah, 228, 229 Karabeg, a general under Akbar, 201 Kashmir, a native state of India, ruled by Akbar, 3, 48 Visited by Shah Jahan, 103 Ka-sim Khan, 112 Kathiawar, a district, 14 Keene, H. G., a historian, 27, 174 Describes the Taj, 101 Khalfi Khan, a Mohammedan chronicler of India, 128 Khalil Allah Khan, a commander under Dara, 113 Khalisa, exchequer lands, 31 Khan Jahan, revolt of, 107 Khandesh, a district annexed by Akbar, 2, 48, 49, 106, 157 Fortress of Asir in, 193-214 Khan-dauran, 221, 222 Khan-khanan, 193, 195, 211, 212, 213 Khurram, son of Jahangir and afterwards emperor, see Shah Jahan Khusru, prince, son of Jahangir, 82 Death of, 83 Khwabgah, "home of dreams," a room in Akbar' s palace, 86 Koh-i-nur, a famous diamond, 119 Koiikan, a division of the Bombay Presi- dency, 162, 163, 164, 218, 220, 272 Koran, learned and copied by Auraugzib, 122 Interpreted by Akbar, 43 Krishna, a river, 154 Kshatriya, warrior caste in India, 152 Kulbarga, occupied by Aurangzib, 110 Kunbhalmir, a Rajput stronghold, 24 Kutb Shahs, a dynasty of Golkonda, 106, 160 L Lahore, visited by Mandelslo, 93 Visited by missionaries, 100 Palace at, 100 Burial-place of Dara's wife, 119 Palace of Asaf Khan at, 133 Raided by Bahadur Shah, 177 Under Ahmad Shah, 183 Under Jahangir, 194 In the Maratha wars, 229, 231, 232, 236, 237, 288 Land-administration, under Akbar, 27, 30, 31 Under Aurangzib, 141 Levees, of Aurangzib, 129-180, 138 Custom of, abandoned by Aurangzib, 147 See also Darbars Lucknow, a city, 234 Madhu Rao, king of Poona, 268 Relations of, with Raghunath Rao, 262- 274 Madonna, the Blessed Virgin, painting of, in .Jahangir's palace, 66, 133 Madras, 166 Mahabat Khan, a general of Jahangir, 84

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