287 Experiences of, at Surat, 67, 61 Ship of, captured by Portuguese, 67 Estimate of his narrative, 64 Acquainted with the Turkish lan- guage, 96 Heber, English poet, writes upon Fathpur- Sikri, 36 Hedges, governor in India, 66 Herbert, English captain at the Moghul court, 66 Himu, a Bengal general, 2 Attacks Agra and Delhi, 3 Meets Akbar at Fanipat, 4 Defeat of, 6 Hindi language, 29 Hindu painting, 37-39 Surgeon, 162 Hindu Kush, a mountain range, 108, 165 Hinduism, ceremonial rules of, 44 Hindus, in the campaigns of Akbar, 23 Akbar' s conciliation of the, 14 Employed by Akbar, 26 Put on a level with Moslems by Akbar, 30, 33 Well treated by Jahangir, 60 Under Shah Jahan, 89 Persecuted by Aurangzib, 121, 145 Hindustan, ruled by Akbar, 1, 26, 193 Western, 2 Moslems in, 27 Sceptre of, swayed by Aurangzib, 123, 174 Relations of, with the Deccan, 124 Separation of, from the Deccan, 161 Territory of the Hindus, 183 Mohammedan ascendency in, 188 Invaded by Ahmad Shah, 228 Hindustani, a vernacular, 62, 188-189 Hiranand, name of an elephant, 12 Holden, E. S., quotation from, 46 Holkar, 179, 182, 187, 188, 221, 238, 239, 241-263 Holstein, Duke of, sends an embassy to Persia, 92 Horn, a sacrifice, 44 Hugli, district, town, and river, Portu- guese trade at, 14i> Factory at, 144 Humayun, a Moghul emperor, 3, 176 Hungary, war of, with Turkey, 167 Hunter, Sir William, quoted, 176 Hunting, indulged in by Akbar, 10 Husain Ali, Sayyid, 220, 221 Ibadat-Khanah, see Divan-i-Khas Ibrahim Adil Shah, ruler of the Konkan, 218 Ibrahim Khan, author of a chronicle his- tory of the Marathas, 216 Idols, destroyed by Moslems, 146 Ilahi, reckoning of the year, 46 India, a comet seen in, 122 Central table-land of, 161 Close of the Mohammedan period of, 188 Beginning of British power in, 188 Estimate of foreign influence upon, 189-190 Indian art, at Fathpur-Sikri, 36-39 Indus, a river, 24 " Institutes " of Jahangir, 60 Isfahan, a city of Persia, 92, 94 Islam, religion of Mohammed, 16, 108 Doctrines of, too narrow for Akbar, 41,44 Teachings of, 46 Principles of, 121, 128 Ritual of, 126 Aurangzib's devotion to, 126-128 Islamabad, a name for Chittagong, 144 Jagir, a district under the Moghul ad- ministration, 141 Jahan Ara, the Princess Begam, daughter of Shah Jahan, 106 Jahandar, son of Bahadur Shah, 178 Jahangir, son of Akbar, Moghul emperor, 9, 194 Birth of, 36 Has a picture of the Blessed Virgin, 37 Accession of, to the throne, 68-69 Character of, 69-60, 66, 72, 123, 130 Imitates Akbar's tolerance in some respects, 60 His " Institutes," 60 Receives Hawkins at court, 61-64 Luxury of his court, 66 Manner of living of, 67, 73-75 Receives Sir Thomas Roe, 73 Fondness of, for art, 74-75, 133 Custom of, of being weighed, 76-76 Influenced by his wife, Nur Jahan, 80, 81 Sons of, rebel, 81-83 Reduces a rising in Kabul, 84, 86 Tomb of, at Lahore, 87, 133 Allowed the ceremonial of prostration, 88 In the Deccan, 106 Had Shahji as a vassal, 218 Jai Mai, commander of Chitor, 17 Death of, 22 Sculpture of, 23 Jai Singh, a raja, overcomes Shuja', 111, 116, 221