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INDEX Balkh, province and city of Afghaniirttn, 108 Aurangzib's campaign at, 126 Balsundar, name of an elephant, 12 Bandelkhand, 107, 179 ffMrtn. 67, 64 Barfaa Sayyids, two brothers, 178, 220 Baroda, a Hindu state, 14 Baths, public, at Agra, 07 Bazar (Baksar, Buzar), battle at, 188 Baz Bahadur, an Afghan, 8 Bagim. 105, 118 Behat (Hydaspes), river, 84 Benares, a city on the Ganges, 6, 111 Mosque at, 146, 146 |Prgl t a district, under Afghan rule, 2 Conquered by Akbar, 8, 26, 48 Government of, 84, 111, 148 Coinage in, 111 Menaced by Arakan, 142 Islands of Lower, 143 Under Aurangzib's rule, 149, 166 Taxed by the Marathas, 182 Berar, a province of Central India, trib- utary to Akbar, 48 Rebels from Akbar, 49 Under rule of Dauiyal, 214 Bernier, a French physician at the Moghul court, 23, 62, 66, 89, 102-103, 120 Quotations from, regarding Aurangzib, 126, 139, 140, 142 Describes a levee of Aurangzib, 136- 136 Bhagvan Das, a raja, allied with Akbar, 13-16, 23 Bhao (Bhaoji) Sadasheo, cousin of Balaji Rao, 187, 230, 240 Dislikes Raghunath Rao, 241 History of, 241-254 Death of, 254 Pretenders to the name of, 254-261 Bhilsa, a town in Gwalior, Central India, 268 Bhonsla, a Maratha tribe, 163, 215, 218, 261, 262, 268 Bidar, 110 Bihar, a district in India, 84 Bihari Mai, raja of Amber, 15 Bijapur, a town and district, 106, 107, 109, 110 Kingdom of, 163, 154, 158 Marathas in, 168, 167 Fall of, 158-169, 1(53 Bikanir, princess of, married by Akbar, 23 Birbal, a Hindu favourite of Akbar, 37, 44 Death of, 48 Blochmann, H., on Akbar's administra- tion, 29 Comments upon Akbar 's religious de- bates, 39 B rah 111 an s, at Akbar's court, 86 Of Benares, 146 Of the Konkan, 220 Schools of philosophy of the, 189 British Museum, Moghul pictures in the, 87 Brodra, 94 Brugman, ambassador to Persia, 93 Buddhism, teachings of, known to Akbar, 40 Buddhist Vihara, 87 Buddhists, at Akbar's court, 86 Buland Darwazah, gate at Fathpur-Sikri, 49 Burganw, a place near Asir, 210 Burhanpur, city in the Central Provinces, taken by Akbar, 2, 48, 198, 201, 207, 208, 210, 214 Visited by Hawkins, 68 Burned by Aurangzib, 156-167 Bussy, French commander in India, 184 Calcutta, a city in Bengal, founded, 144 Calligraphy, of Aurangzib, 122 Cambay, a State and town in the Bom- bay Presidency, 14, 67, 79, 94 Caravanserais, at Delhi, 132 Careri, Dr. Gemelli, an Italian physician in India, 56, 128, 167 Carnatic, the, 217, 272 Castro, Father da, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, 100 Catapult, 204 Catholic priests, at Akbar's court, 36 Cavalry, Moghul, 140, 167 Ceylon, 114, 148 Chambal, a river, 112, 179, 196, 243 ('hand Bibi, a princess of Ahmadnagar, 49 Charms, used by Akbar, 43-44 Charnock, defeats the Portuguese, 144 Chauth, a tax, 179, 182, 220, 221 Child-marriage, forbidden by Akbar, 16 Chin Kulich Khan, a name of Asaf Jab, 178 China, trade of, with India, 54 Visited by Mandelslo, 93 Chinese artists, 37 Chitor, date of storming, 8 Fortress of, besieged and taken, 17-23 Siege of, in 1568, 33 Chittagong, 143 Name of, changed to Islamabad, 144 Chivalry, Akbar's idea of, 5 Christ, Gospels of, translated for Akbar, 41

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