INDEX Ajmir, a city, taken by Akbar, 2 Distance of, from Agra, 11 Akbar make* a pilgrimage to, 43 Hills of, 119 Used as military base, 149 Akbar, Mogfaul emperor, founder of a great kingdom, 1 Accession and long reign of, 1, 2 Early campaigns of, 3 Extent of the empire of, 3, 48-49, 82, 173 Meets with opposition from Himu of Bengal, 4 Defeats Himu, 6 Objects to control by Bairam as regent, 6-7 Discovers court Intrigues, 7-9 Personality and ability of, 9-12 Conquers Surat, 18-14 Forms alliances with Rajputs, 15 Marriages of, 16 Religious tolerance of, 16, 33, 61, 60 Social laws of, 16, 17 Siege of Chitor by, 17-28 Loyalty of Rajputs to, 23, 24 Reforms instituted by, 16-60 Policy of, as to Persian language, 30 Holds religious debates, 34, 89-42 A son born to, 36 Assumes chief authority in religious matters, 42-46 Superstitions of, 43-44 Shows a fondness for innovation, 46 Marches in person against the Deccan, 49, 194 Takes the fortress of Asirgarh, 49, 193-214 Death of, 60 Has his capital at Agra, 103, 130, 194 Annexes Khandesh and Berar, 106 A model of an Indian sovereign, 123, 129 Disregarded Mohammedan orthodoxy, 123 Eclecticism of, 123 Feudal system under, 139 Throne of, occupied by Aurangzib, 16 Troops of, 176 Rajputs under, 177 Akbar, prince, a son of Aurangzib, 138, 149 Rebels against his father, 149 Akbar Nan>ah of Illahbad Faizi, a chron- icle, selection from, 163-214 Akbaniamah, a history of Akbar, by Abu-1-Fazl, 47 Ala-ad-din, Klialji emperor, 25 Spread of Mohammedanism under, 188 Alauigir, " world-compeller," title of Aurangzib, 121, 219, 228, 238 Alamgir II, Moghul emperor in 1764, 183, 184, 228 Death of, 232 Albuquerque, Portuguese conqueror of Goa, 62, 66 Alexander the Great, first European to enter India, 62 All, raja of Khandesh, 194-196 Death of, 199 Ability of, 200 All Kuli Khan-zaman, an Uzbeg rebel, '12, 26 Ali Verdi Khan, a general, 182 Allahabad, a district and city of the Northwest Provinces, 182 Allahu Akbar, Moslem religious formula, 41 Almeida, Lourenpo de, Portuguese cap- tain, 64 Amber, a city of Rajputana, ruled by Bihari Mai, 16 Princess of, bears a son to Akbar, 86 Opposes Aurangzib, 148 Amber, Malik, vizir of Nizam Shah, 82, 106, 107 Amir (Omrah), a title of certain rulers and nobles, 128, 139, 140, 162, 193, 194, 219 Andersen, J., an early European trav- eller in India, 96 Animal food, disliked by Akbar, 10, 16, 44 Not eaten by Aurangzib, 122 Animals, sacrifice of, forbidden by Akbar, 16, 44 Wild, hunted by Akbar, 10 Exhibition of fights between, 88 Antarbed, kingdom of (Doab), 222, 233, 287, 239 Arab traders, 64 Arakan, a division of Lower Burma, British India, 120 War in, 142 King of, 143 Annexed, 144 Archers (arrows), 4, 86, 99, 112, 113-114, 238 Architecture, at Fathpur-Sikri, 86-87 Of the Taj Mahal, 100-102 Of New Delhi, 103 Mohammedan and Hindu, 189 Arjumand Banu (Mumtaz-i-Mahal), the empress of Shah Jab an and lady of the Taj, 89, 104 Death of, 104 Armenian woman, in Akbar's harem, 16 Hawkins compelled to marry an, 63 Army, Moghul, under Akbar, 32 Under Jahangir, 67, 76-77 Under Shah Jahan, 99