A.D. 1648 New Delhi, Shahjahanabad, built 1648 Sivaji raids the Konkan. 1649-52 Aurangzib fails to recover Kandahar from the Persians. 1655 Aurangzib viceroy in the Deccan. 1656 Golkonda attacked ; Bidar and Kulbarga annexed. 1658 War of succession : battle of Samugarh. 1659 Accession of Aurangzib: death of Shah Jahan, 1666. 1659-66 Bernier at the court of Aurangzib. 1665 Tavernier in India. 1666 Suppression of Portuguese pirates in Arakan. 1671 Sivaji sacks Surat: Marathas supreme in the Deccan. 1672 Satnami rebellion in Mewat. 1676 Reim position of the jizya, or poll-tax. 1680 War with the Kajpute. 1681 Aurangzib takes command against the Marathas. 1686 Fall of Bijapur, and 1687 of Golkonda. 1695 Gemelli Careri at Aurangzib's camp in the Deccan. 1707 Death of Aurangzib. 1708 Revolt of the Sikhs. 1738 The Marathas advance to Delhi. 1739 Nadir Shah sacks Delhi. 1748 Afghan invasion under Ahmad Shah routed at Sirhind. 1756 Ahmad Shah sacks Delhi. 1757 Battle of Plassey : Clive defeats the Nawab. 1761 Battle of Panipat : defeat of the Marathas. 1764 Battle of Baxar: the Great Moghul becomes a pensioner of the East India Company.