son of Kam-Bakhsh, son of Aurangzib Alamgir, on the throne of Delhi. Datta Sindhia, Jankuji's uncle, about that time formed the design of invading the kingdom of the Ro- hillas; whereupon Najib-ad-daulah and other Rohilla chiefs, becoming cognizant of this fact and perceiving the image of ultimate misfortune reflected in the mirror of the very beginning, wrote numerous letters to the Abdali Shah, and used every persuasion to induce him to come to Hindustan. The Shah, who was vexed at heart because Timur Shah and Jahan Khan had been compelled to take to flight, and was brooding over plans of revenge, accounted this friendly overture a signal advantage and set himself at once in motion. Datta, in company with his nephew Janku, after crossing the Jumna, advanced against Najib-ad-daulah, and Imad-al-mulk, the vizir, hastened to Datta 's sup- port, agreeably to his request. As the number of the Maratha troops amounted to nearly 80,000 horse, Najib- ad-daulah, finding his strength inadequate to risk an open battle, threw up intrenchments at Sakartal, one of the places belonging to Antarbed (the Doab), situ- ated on the bank of the river Ganges, and there held himself in readiness to oppose the enemy. As the rainy season presented an insurmountable obstacle to Datta 's movements, he was forced to suspend military opera- tions, and in the interim Najib-ad-daulah despatched several letters to Nawab Shuja-ad-daulah, begging his assistance. The Nawab, urged by the promptings of valour and