Sironj, but Baji Rao returned to the Deccan without hazarding an engagement. In the second year after this, Baji Rao attempted another invasion of Hindustan, when the vizir Itmad- ad-daulah Kamr-ad-din Khan Bahadur and the Nawab Khan-dauran Khan went forth from Delhi to give him battle. On this occasion several engagements took place, but victory fell to the lot of the vizir; and peace having been ultimately concluded, they both returned to Delhi. In the third year from the aforesaid date, through the mediation of Khan-dauran Khan Bahadur, the gov- ernment of Malwa was bestowed on Baji Rao, whereby his power and influence was increased twofold. The Rao in question, having entered Malwa with a numerous force, soon reduced the province to a satisfactory state of order. About the same time he attacked the Raja of Bhadawar, and after putting him to flight, devastated his territory. From thence he sent Pilaji with the view of subduing the kingdom of Antarbed (Doab), which is situated between the Ganges and Jumna. At that very time Nawab Burhan-al-mulk had moved out of his own province, and advanced through Antarbed to the vicin- ity of Agra. Pilaji therefore crossed the Jumna, and engaged in active hostilities against the Nawab; but having been vanquished in battle, he was forced to take to flight and rejoin Baji Rao. An immense number of his army were drowned while crossing the Jumna; but as for those who were captured or taken prisoners, the Nawab presented each one with two rupees and a