APPENDIX II frontier of the Konkan, abandoned themselves to neglect in consequence of their master 's indisposition. Ultimately, the Emperor Aurangzib, the bulwark of religion, resolved upon proceeding to the Deccan, and in the year 1093 A. H. (1682 A. D.) bestowed fresh lustre MF.KKV GATE AT AtTRANGAnAD. on the city of Aurangabad by the favour of his august presence. For a period of twenty-five years he strove to subvert the Maratha rule; but as several valiant chieftains displayed the utmost zeal and activity in upholding their dynasty, their extermination could not be satisfactorily accomplished. Towards the close of his Majesty's lifetime, a truce was concluded with the Marathas on condition that three per cent, out of the