APPENDIX I he returned to the fortress. Some men have maintained that the Shaikh ought to have made him prisoner at this meeting, but resort to subterfuge and want of faith and truth never prove successful. Besides this, Baha- dur had with him a force sufficient to resist the weak army of the Shaikh. Next day the Shaikh went to visit Shaikh Abu-1-fazl at his camp, three or four leagues from the fortress, where the meeting with Bahadur was dis- cussed and a report sent off to Akbar. All expectation of Baha- dur's submission now being given up, Abu-1-fazl, who had waited to see the result of the interview, proceeded to join the emperor. Having first directed his attention to occupying the country, closing the roads, blocking the way into and out of the fortress, forming the trenches, and preparing other matters connected with the siege, Shaikh Farid sent a detachment to Burhanpur to arrest the officers of Bahadur and to occupy the city. On arriving there, however, it was found that the governor had already made his submission to the emperor. Some experienced officers thought it desirable that a force should be sta- tioned there, and Shaikh Farid finally decided that one thousand horse should be stationed between Burhanpur and Asir. This force took up a position about two MOGHUL CAVALRT HELMET.