Historians " in Professor Dowson's edition, the indebt- edness to which is acknowledged. With reference to the preparation of the text of the present volume editorially and w r ith regard to the illustrations, I have been guided in general by the prin- ciples laid down in the preceding volumes of the series. Besides the assistance previously acknowledged in respect to illustrative material and other matter, I desire to unite with the publishers in thanking Mr. Frederick J. Agate, of New York, who was with me in my travels through India, for the use of certain photo- graphs in his collection, and also to thank Dr. Edward S. Holden, Librarian of the United States Military Acad- emy at West Point, for the pictures of two Moham- medan heroines, Nur Jahan and Mumtaz-i-Mahal, reproduced from miniatures in the British Museum, through the courtesy of Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons, of New York. A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON.