79 cund court of Jahangir after Sir Thomas Roe's departure in 1618. The ambassador's chaplain, Edward Terry, in his " Voyage to the East Indies," adds little; nor is much to be learnt about the court, or even the country and government, from the travels of Pietro della Valle, who visited Surat, Ahmadabad, and Cambay in 1623, and then turned south to Goa. He gives an amusing TOMB OP NUB JAHAN'S FATHER AT AGRA. account of the sumptuous mode of life among the Eng- lish merchants of Surat, but he has little to tell of the Moghul empire, and he did not see the capital. But of the famous empress, the " Seal of Womankind "(Muhr- i-Nisa), Nur Jahan or, as she was then called, Nur Mahal he has this notice: " He has one Wife, or Queen, whom he esteems and favours above all other Women; and his whole Empire is governed at this day by her